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Library Board of Trustees

The Library Board is comprised of 7 members appointed by the County Board of Commissioners serving a 4-year term. They act as an advisory board that assists in the development and implementation of the Strategic Plan for Library Services; supports library adherence to state and national standards for Library Services, including the North Carolina Public Library Standards and those of the American Library Association and the Public Library Association; promotes the vision and mission of the public library in the community, advocating for equal and unrestricted access to library services and materials for all in the community; in consultation with the library director, makes recommendations on library services and policies and the construction and improvement of library facilities.

Two of the board positions are filled by representatives recommended by the respective governing bodies of the four municipalities with County branch library presence within their boundaries (Claremont, Conover, Maiden, and Newton).

Catawba County, North Carolina Catawba County - Catawba County Government - Catawba County North Carolina