Pretrial Services
The mission of Catawba County Pretrial Services is to provide the local judiciary with an alternative to pretrial incarceration while maintaining public safety and the integrity of the Criminal Justice System.
Catawba County Pretrial Services does this by expediting misdemeanor and traffic cases and by recommending the pre-disposition release of qualified defendants and supervising those defendants upon their release.
Also known as Repay, Inc., Catawba County Pretrial Services began working with Catawba County in 1988 and has evolved to include the services listed below.
Provide defendant information to the courts, law enforcement, prosecution, defense, Clerk of Court and other related agencies.
- Interview jailed individuals and complete criminal background check and risk assessment tool to make recommendations to the court for level of supervision for those with misdemeanor and felony charges.
- Facilitate expedited requests for court appointed attorneys, bond reviews and pleas for misdemeanor and traffic cases in district court.
Provide the local judiciary with alternatives to incarceration by overseeing the Pretrial Release & Electronic Monitoring programs.
Provide monitoring and supervision for pretrial defendants, ensuring program compliance and making referrals to treatment programs and other community agencies as needed.