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Voter Registration

Am I registered? Is my information correct? Where can I see my sample ballot?

Voter Lookup

Use the State BOE's voter lookup utility to check your voter registration information, your voter history, and see your sample ballot (when available).

If you are not registered to vote in your county of residence...

you have a few options to be able to vote in this election:

DEADLINE: Registration books close 25 days before an election

OPTION 1: If you have a NC Drivers License, Permit or DMV issued ID, you may register online

Online Registration Application - NCDMV [more information]

NC Department of Motor Vehicles has partnered with the NC State Board of Elections to offer free online voter registration for its customers. By logging into your NCDMV account, you may register to vote or change your address and party affiliation. This must be done 25 days or more before an election; applications submitted after 5pm on that cut-off day will not be processed until after the current election.

If you do not have an account with the NC Department of Motor Vehicles, you may not register online.

OPTION 2: Mail or hand-deliver a completed voter registration form to the Elections Office

NC Law requires new voters to submit an original signed registration application to their county's Board of Elections Office.
IMPORTANT: You must include your NCDL number and/or last 4 digits of your Social Security number on the form. If they do not validate, your registration application may be rejected.

Where do I get a printed registration form?

Printable Registration Application

Download this form to register to vote in Catawba County and to change your name, address, or party affiliation.
If you wish to pick up a form, or you don't have a printer, registration forms are available at all libraries and in the BOE office. You may also register in-person or online when you obtain or renew your NC Drivers License, permit, or DMV non-operators ID.

Mail form to: Catawba BOE, PO Box 132, Newton, NC 28658
Hand deliver to: 145 Government Drive, Newton (building below the parking deck near the Justice Center)

OPTION 3: Register and Vote at an Early Voting location

If you failed to register on or before "close of books" (25 days before an election), you are not eligible to vote on Election Day or an Absentee Ballot by mail. However, you may register and vote at the same time at an Early Voting site. You will be required to show proof of residency.

Proof or Residency - a current and valid photo ID with your current address (driver's license, permit, passport, etc.); or a copy of one of the following documents that shows your name and address: a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to provide my NCDL# and SS#?

At least one of the two numbers is needed process your registration application. If the number provided is "Invalid" or "Denied" as reported by NC DMV or Social Security Administration, your registration may be denied. If an applicant does not have an NC Drivers License (permit, or DMV issued ID) or a Social Security number, proof of residence will be required.

Proof or Residence - a current and valid photo ID (driver's license, permit, passport, etc.); or a recent copy of one of the following documents that shows the name and address of the voter: a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document.

Who should use the voter registration form?

  • Voters wishing to change their information (such as name, address, mailing address, party affiliation)
  • New Voters
  • 16- and 17-year-olds wishing to pre-register

Deadline to register is 25 days before an election. If received after that deadline, the registration will be processed once the election has been finalized.

Updating Registration Information - if you are already registered

1. Update at the Polls when you vote Election Day or at Early Voting

If you are a currently registered voter within the county, you may update the following information at the polls: name, physical address*, mailing address, phone number.

During Early Voting, you may make a change to your name, physical address (to one within the county), mailing address, or phone number

If, on Election Day, the updated address places you in a different precinct, law requires you to go to that precinct in order to cast your ballot in the tabulator. If you do not go to the correct precinct and insist on voting "out of precinct," you will be required to vote a provisional ballot (your ballot is sealed in an envelope and, if your information change is valid and the provisional ballot is approved by the Board, your votes will be added to the vote count at Canvass--10 days after the election). Your assigned precinct is based on where you resided 30 days before the election.

*Note: If you have moved less than 30 days before the election, vote using your old address and send an updated voter registration to the Election Office after the current election is over.

NC Law does not allow you to change your party affiliation at the polls.

2. Send a Voter Registration/Update Form to the Elections Office

You may update your name, address, mailing address, phone number, party affiliation, etc. by sending

Registration forms are accepted in person or by mail at the Board of Elections office up until Registration Books close (25 days before an election). After that deadline, no changes may be made to voter's records by the Board of Elections office until after the election is over.

For name and address changes, you may mail, fax, email, or deliver in person to the BOE office.

New registrations require sending in an original, signed Voter Registration Form to the BOE office before the close of books (25 days before the election)--this cannot be a fax or email.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Printable copy

NC Law on voter residency: NCGS § 163-57

Military and Overseas Citizens: Read more information about registering on the State Board of Elections website.

Catawba County, North Carolina Catawba County - Catawba County Board of Elections