Notary Public

The Register of Deeds office administers the oath for all notaries commissioned in Catawba County. Although we cannot give legal advice we will be more than glad to assist you or give you directions with questions you may have; however, always refer to the most recent Notary Manual that you are required by statute to maintain for guidance.

Important Information for Notary Oaths: Notary oaths will be handled in-person during regular business hours. Applicants are required to bring ID and payment of $10 (cash/credit/debit).

All notary publicrequirementscan be found at the Secretary of State’s website. Make sure you meet all requirements prior to registering for class because most colleges do not offer refunds.

Find a Class through your local Community College

Upon completion of a Notary Public course, the instructor will issue an application for you to mail with a non-refundable fee of $50.00 to the Secretary of State; the address is on the back of your application. Be sure to mail application within 3 months of the last date of your class.

If approved, the Secretary of State will send you a notification to come to our office to be given the Notary Oath. Make sure to come see us for your oath, signing of book and required Oath Sheet prior to 45 days of your issue date.

  • No appointment is necessary
  • Current State or Federal ID is required
  • Fee is $10. Cash, debit card, credit card, or business check accepted.