Marriage - Must Apply Online

Marriage Records

Important Information Regarding Marriage Licenses: Marriage licenses will be handled in-person by appointment only during regular business hours. Appointments can be made by calling (828) 465-1573. Prior to making an appointment, it is required that all marriage applications be submitted online at Applicants will need to bring all required documents and payment of $60 (credit/debit preferred).

Visit our General Information page for information about how to request a copy of a marriage certificate, including who may make the request, required ID, and fees.

Marriage Application

Applications may be completed at the Register of Deeds office between 8:00a.m and 4:30p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. The fee for a marriage application is $60.00.

Applications may also be submitted online.

You ARE required to bring the following – see below PROOF for more details

  • Valid state or federal issued picture ID
  • Documentation of FULL Social Security Number

You MAY BE required to bring the following – see below PROOF for more details

  • Documentation of Birth
  • Documentation of how previous marriage ended
  • Documentation if you took your MAIDEN name back after divorce

Online Marriage Application

Proof of Requirements for a Marriage Application

Couples must personally appear at the Register of Deeds Office. This should be done together, but if either party is unable to appear due to hospitalization, prison, or military reasons, you will need to contact our office for further instructions. Appropriate documents will be sent to you or can be picked up at our office.

  • PHOTO ID: Must present an in-hand physical issued current picture ID with name and birth date (copies of any kind will not be accepted). Accepted forms of ID include:
    • Driver’s license
    • State issued ID card
    • Passport
    • Military ID
    • A Matricular Consular or an Instituto Federal Electoral can NO LONGER be accepted (NCGS: 15A-306/HB318)

If you do not have any of the above or below, please contact our office where we will then ask questions to see how we can best assist you.

  • SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: Both must present a valid Social Security Number on an in-hand physical issued Social Security Card or an official permanent record showing your SS# or a notarized Affidavit / Spanish Affidavit that indicates you are not eligible to receive a SS#. If, and only if, you are not eligible for a SS #, you will need to provide an additional ID through an in-hand physical Certified Birth Certificate, the mentioned Affidavit / Spanish Affidavit, and an in-hand physical issued valid picture ID that meets the same requirements as above. These printed and in-hand physical documents will be considered as options to prove your SS# if the complete number is present:
    • W-2 (no more than 3 years expired); or
    • Filed Tax Return (no more than 3 years old); or
    • Paycheck stub; or
    • Insurance card; or
    • High School transcript with signature and title by authorized school official; or
    • Bank report or statement with signature and title of bank official stating on their letterhead that this is applicant’s current SS# of record.
  • Please see below for additional documentation that you may be required to bring in
  • BIRTH CERTIFICATE: If either party is a NON-US Citizen, both parties are required to bring Birth Certificates.
    • IN the State of North Carolina can be Certified or Uncertified recorded in-hand copy from the Register of Deeds' Office in the county you were born. NC birth certificates from 1971 can be obtained from our office with proper ID and payment.
    • OUT OF STATE BIRTH required to be a CERTIFIED COPY.
  • DIVORCE or DEATH RECORDS: If applicable, both will need to provide below documentation from your last marriage regardless of how long ago it ended:
    • IN the State of North Carolina, a DEATH Certificate can be Certified or Uncertified recorded in-hand copy from the Register of Deeds' Office in the county the death occured. To locate the needed local office go to; at the Welcome statement click on "please click here".
    • OUT OF STATE, a DEATH Certificate that's been recorded (stamped filed) is required. These documents can be found in the county and state or country that the death took place.
      • For outside the USA - certified copies required
      • For certificates outside of NC but in the USA, go to for information.
      • Certificate needs to be in one of the following formats:
        • Certified or Uncertified in hand copy; or
        • Faxed or email will only be accepted if attached to the letterhead of the Register of Deeds or Clerk that indicates it is from their office.
    • IN the State of North Carolina, a DIVORCE Decree Order that's been recorded (stamped filed) is required. It can be Certified or Uncertified from in-hand from Clerk of Court. To locate your local office go to, click on the county you need and then to the left click on Court Telephone Directory. Must be a stamped filed certified or uncertified copy of your last Absolute Divorce Judgment which is signed by the Clerk or Judge.
      • NOTE:
        • Catawba County Clerk's office will sign and print a V-Cap screen of NC divorce if after 1988.
        • If the divorce took place prior to 1988 in NC, allow time for Clerk's Office to retrieve a copy from Raleigh.
    • OUT OF STATE DIVORCE Decree Order that's been recorded (stamped filed) is required. These documents can be found in the county and state or country that the divorce took place.
      • For order outside of the USA - certified copies required.
      • For orders outside of NC but in the USA, go to for information.
      • Order needs to be in one of the following formats:
        • Certified or Uncertified in hand recorded copy of order; or
        • Faxed or email of order will only be accepted if attached to the letterhead of the Clerk that indicates it is from their office.
    • CHANGE OF LAST NAME: If applicant has taken their maiden name back since their most recent divorce, they need to provide the stamped filed legal documentation of such regardless of how long ago it took place. This may have been included in divorce order or you may have filed separate papers entirely.
      • For orders outside of NC but in the USA, go to for information.
      • Order needs to be in one of the following formats:
        • Certified or Uncertified in-hand recorded copy of order; or
        • Faxed or email of order will only be accepted if attached to the letterhead of Clerk that indicates it is from their office.
  • Hospital records or photocopies of required documents will not be accepted in place of the above mentioned documents.
  • You must have no more than four years' age difference between applicants.
  • You must present a certified Birth Certificate.
  • The parent or legal guardian must be present to give written consent and present legal documentation to prove that they are the parent or legal guardian.
  • Parent or legal guardian may be required to produce certified copy of court orders.
  • Divorced
    • Applicants who have been divorced must provide the month, date and year of their last divorce.
    • IN the State of North Carolina, a DIVORCE Decree Order that's been recorded (stamped filed) is required. It can be certified or uncertified from Clerk of Court Office. To locate your local office go to, click on the county you need and then to the left click on Court Telephone Directory. Must be a stamped filed certified or uncertified copy of last Absolute Divorce Judgment which is signed by the Clerk or Judge.
    • OUT OF STATE DIVORCE DecreeOrder that's been recorded is required. These documents can be found in the county and state or country that the divorce took place.
      • For certificates outside of NC but in the USA, go to for information.
      • Certificate needs to be in one of the following formats:
          • Certified copy; or
          • Uncertified in-hand copy, faxed or emailed will only be accepted if attached to the letterhead of the Register of Deeds or Clerk that indicates it is from their office.
    • CHANGE OF LAST NAME: If applicant has taking their maiden name back since their most recent divorce, they need to provide the stamped filed legal documentation of such regardless of how long ago it took place. This may have been included in your divorce papers or you may have filed separate papers entirely.
      • For certificates outside of NC but in the USA, go to for information.
      • Certificate needs to be in one of the following formats:
          • Certified copy; or
          • Uncertified in-hand copy, faxed or emailed will only be accepted if attached to the letterhead of the Clerk that indicates it is from their office.
    • Hospital records or photocopies of required documents will not be accepted in place of the aboved mentioned documents.
  • Death
    • Applicants whose previous marriage ended due to death must provide the month, date and year of their loss.
    • IN the State of North Carolina, a DEATH Certificate that's been recorded is required. It can be certified or uncertified from the Register of Deeds' Offices. To locate your local office go to; at the Welcome statement click on "please click here"
    • OUT OF STATE, a DEATH Certificate that's been recorded is required. These documents can be found in the county and state or country that the death took place.
      • For certificates outside of NC but in the USA, go to for information.
      • Certificate needs to be in one of the following formats:
        • Certified copy; or
        • Uncertified in-hand copy, faxed or emailed will only be accepted if attached to the letterhead of the Register of Deeds or Clerk that indicates it is from their office.
    • Hospital records or photocopies of required documents will not be accepted in place of the aboved mentioned documents.

You’ll need a certified copy of your marriage license in order to change your name on your Social Security card and driver’s license. It is best to wait at least 10 (ten) days after the ceremony to allow time for your license to be returned and on record here at the Register of Deeds.

  • Click here to see how to apply for a copy
  • Present received certified copy of your marriage license along with other required documentation to your closest Social Security Administration office. Once applying for a new Social Security card make sure to retain your certified copy.
  • After allowing 24-36 hours for the above change to be updated in system then you may go to your closest Department of Motor Vehiclesand present the same certified copy of your marriage license again making sure to retain your certified copy once you have completed your name change.