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Real Estate

All filed real estate documents are of public record and available

for viewing in our office or for the recording of new documents

between 8:00am and 5:00pm, Monday – Friday, excepts holidays.

Data and images of recordings are avaliable online once it is recorded with the understanding such documents have NOT been verified as noted.

Our real estate records date back to 1841 when our county was established to our current date and time of recording; these indexes and images are available online through the icon ONLINE DEED SEARCH at the home page.

All documents recorded in Catawba County Register of Deeds office are scanned within two days of recording.

  • Each Deed is required to have the current mailing address of the Grantee before it can be recorded.
  • Each map or real estate instrument is required to have the name and address of the person to whom it is begin returned to.
  • Each document(s) being requested to go in the outgoing mail is required to have a self-addressed stamped envelope being of the correct size for the document(s) to be returned.
Catawba County, North Carolina Catawba County - Catawba County Government - Catawba County North Carolina