Catawba County News

Celebrate SpookyCon
Published: October 10, 2019
Teens can have a tough time celebrating Halloween. Either they’re deemed too old to trick-or-treat, or they’re considered too young to attend a party with adults. What’s a fun-loving young person to do?
The library is hosting its own mini convention of Halloween festivities, and we’ve dubbed it SpookyCon! Not only will the event celebrate all things spooky, but it will also feature a cosplay/costume contest, a pinback button-making workshop, and a Photoshop tutorial where participants can learn how to create cool (and creepy!) digital effects on photographs.
Kids 11 and up are invited to join in at SpookyCon, so plan to come in spectacular dress and hang out with other cool people! Treats will be provided, and prizes will be awarded. And since SpookyCon takes place in advance of Halloween, you can even test-drive your costume to see if it’s something you definitely want to commit to later in the month!
SpookyCon takes place from 10 am till 1 pm on Saturday, October 19 at the Maiden Branch Library.