Catawba County News

Weather Preparation Tips
Published: January 11, 2024
Make a kit.
In the event you are without power for an extended time, make sure you have enough water, non-perishable food and supplies for three to seven days for each person and pet in your home. Find out what else to include in your kit and other helpful preparedness tips here.
Make a plan.
If you are separated from a loved one during an emergency, how will you reconnect? Have a plan to know where you will go if you have to evacuate, where you will reconnect with loved ones, and how you will communicate with each other. More tips on emergency planning are available here.
Stay informed.
Emergency messages are sent by state and local governments and the National Weather Service via television, radio, weather radios, social media and alerts on cellular phones. If storms are forecasted, keep up with local news and make sure your home has a NOAA weather radio, which can be purchased where most electronics are sold.
Sign up for the Community Alert System.
Sign up for Catawba County’s Community Alert System to be notified by phone and/or text about local emergency situations, such as evacuation notices. Visit our website to sign up today.