Catawba County News

UPDATE: Balls Creek Campground Fire
Published: October 02, 2019
The Catawba County Sheriff’s Office and the Catawba County Fire Marshal’s Office continue to investigate the fire at Balls Creek Campground in Catawba that occurred on Sunday, September 29th.
Because of the historic and religious significance of Balls Creek Campground, the investigation into the cause of the fire is being handled by a joint task force of local, state and federal authorities including the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) and the United States Department of Justice – Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF).
The joint task force team of law enforcement and fire investigators is working to determine the origin and cause of the fire which destroyed 40 tents (cabins) and damaged 9 others. As part of their investigation samples were taken and sent to the ATF Crime Lab. The task force considers this fire to be suspicious and the cause is currently undetermined.
Anyone with information related to this criminal investigation should call the Catawba County Sheriff’s Office at (828) 464-5241.