Catawba County News

This Week @ Your Library November 4-11
Published: November 04, 2022
We've got storytimes!
Ready to Learn Storytime: Tiny to Two
Monday at 10 am
Main Library in Newton
This sweet, simple, 20-minute story time features rhymes, bounces, sensory play, and singing for our youngest learners. Playtime follows.
Ready to Learn Storytime: Preschool
Main Library in Newton
Wednesday at 10 am
Friday at 10 am
Southwest Branch Library
Wednesday at 11 am
Thursday at 10 am
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
Wednesday at 10 am
Thursday at 10 am
St. Stephens Branch Library
Thursday at 10 am
Maiden Branch Library
Thursday at 10 am
Preschool story time with reading readiness. Join us for songs, sensory play, crafts, and stories designed to prepare your preschooler to learn.
Ready to Learn Storytime: Bilingual
Miercoles a las 10 am
Wednesdays at 10am
St. Stephens Branch Library
Únase a nosotros para hora del cuento bilingüe, canciones, movimiento, aprendizaje y más para niños hasta 5 años.
Join us for an exciting bilingual storytime
featuring stories, songs, movement, learning and more for children up to 5 years of age.
Programs for children!
Read to Me: Stories for Seniors
Mondays at 4 pm
Main Library Newton
Grab your favorite children’s book and connect through Zoom with seniors residing in Conover Nursing to read aloud.
Kids Voting
Saturday, November 5 from 9:30 - 11:30 am
Southwest Branch Library
Saturday, November 5 from 1 - 3 pm
Main Library in Newton
This drop-in event is designed to give youth a chance to cast their vote in a mock election. Children can learn about the election process during a program presented by 4H that begins an hour after the drop-in voting starts.
PAWS To Read
Saturday, November 5 & 12 beginning at 11 am
St. Stephens Branch Library
Schedule a 20-minute appointment to read with a certified therapy dog in a relaxing setting. To schedule an appointment, please call 828-466-6821.
Limitless Theater
Tuesday, November 8 at 5 pm
Main Library in Newton
The Green Room Community Theatre is proud to present Limitless Theater: An afternoon of story and song! Limitless Theater provides a delightful theater experience.
Tales in the Garden: Glow Party
Thursday, November 10 at 5:30 pm
Main Library Newton Garden
As our daylight dwindles, join us in the Newton Garden to share bilingual stories and experiment with light and dark! Families are invited to bring their flashlights, cozy blankets, & favorite glow items!
Movie Screening
Friday, November 11 at 3 pm
Main Library in Newton
Dinovember celebrations continue with a viewing of Land Before Time: Journey of the Brave.
Popcorn provided.
Programs for teens!
Teen Tuesdays
Tuesdays at 5 pm
Main Library in Newton
November 8: Limitless Theater’s performance
Teen Advisory Board (TAB) Meeting
Monday, November 7 at 6 pm
St. Stephens Branch Library
Help plan future teen programs. November’s TAB meeting will be planning events for January and February 2023.
Perler Bead Club
Thursday, November 10 at 4 pm
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
Join the Perler Beads Club! At this easy craft, you'll make designs using small beads that are fused together with heat. Materials provided.
Zine Making Party and Book Binding
Friday, November 11 at 12 pm
Maiden Branch Library
Zines are a popular way for people to share their ideas. Learn more about the history of zines and how you can get started on creating your own! Participants will learn the basics of bookbinding to create their own zine! Materials and supplies provided. To register, please call 828-428-2712 or visit
Life-Sized Five Nights at Freddy’s
Friday, November 11 at 2 pm
Southwest Branch Library
Can you survive until morning as the security guard at Freddy Fazbear’s pizzeria, or will the animatronics reach you before dawn? Flashlight tag meets this wildly popular video game at this fun, wacky program! Pizza will be served! To register, please call 828-466-6818.
Teen Origami
Friday, November 11 at 4 pm
St. Stephens Branch Library
November 11 is National Origami Day and we will celebrate with origami paper, books, and video tutorials, while we watch Kubo and the Two Strings as we practice this ancient art of folding paper.
Programs for adults!
Zumba LIVE with Honey & Jossiah
Mondays at 6 pm
November 7 at First United Methodist Church in Newton, enter from Ashe Avenue
Kick off your week with a burst of Zumba, a dance and movement class that’s too much fun to call exercise. It’s appropriate for every skill and ability level and open to anyone 14+ (parental signature required for teens under 18).
Community Navigator
Thursdays & Fridays from 9 am - 5 pm
Main Library in Newton
Stop in to visit with a Community Navigator for a one-on-one session to get connected with services, resources, and local assistance available in Catawba County. For more information, please call 828-465-9553.
Just Walk!
Fridays at 4 pm
St. Stephens Branch Library
Join us for a fun indoor walk. Enjoy music, moves and smiles—this is more fun than anyone should have on a fitness walk! To register, please visit the library or call 828-466-6821. Fitness waiver required.
Medicare Open Enrollment
Through December 7 by appointment
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
Main Library in Newton
Medicare plans change each year. Do an annual review to make sure the coverage you have is the best one for you! To register for an appointment with a SHIIP-trained counselor, please call 828-328-2269.
Community Recipe Book
Tuesday, November 1 - December 20
Conover Branch Library
With the holidays approaching, so is some yummy food! We are putting together a Conover Community Recipe Book and are asking for 1-2 of your favorite recipes that we can copy and insert into our book. During this time, the book will be out for viewing and we encourage everyone to find a new recipe to try!
Dia de los Muertos
Tuesday, November 8 at 6 pm
St. Stephens Branch Library
Guest speaker Caren Nava will provide a history of the holiday and explain the symbols and traditions. We’ll have a special performance by La Raza Dancers from Challenger Early College, crafts, and coloring sheets. Fun for all ages. For more information, please call 828-466-6823.
Canva for Small Businesses
Tuesday, November 8 at 12 pm
Online via WebEx
Join this webinar to get started with Canva, a graphic design platform that you can use to professionalize marketing for your small business! Create social media graphics, presentations, and more. To register, please visit
Book Owl Craft
Tuesday, November 8 at 6 pm
Conover Branch Library
Make cute owl book art, perfect for your fall decorations. To register, please visit the library or call 828-466-5108.
Mystery Mavens Book Club
Tuesday, November 8 at 6:30 pm
Sherrills Ford-Terrell Branch Library
The Mystery Mavens book club welcomes new members and is open to the public, even if you haven’t read the book. Join us for a lively discussion on Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier.
Resumes & Job Applications Workshop
Wednesday, November 9 at 10 am
Online via WebEx
Learn tips for creating a resume and completing a job application. To register, please visit
Adult STEAM: Basics of Canning Blueberry Jam & Pressure Cooker Safety
Thursday, November 10 at 1 pm
Southwest Branch Library
Learn about water bath canning during this hands-on canning and blueberry jam program with Catawba County Cooperative Extension, led by Extension Agent, Tina McGillvan. Participants can also bring in their pressure cookers and have them tested for safety. Space is limited. To register, please call 828-466-6818.
Adult Caregivers of Aging Parents
Family Dynamics in Caregiving
Thursday, November 10 at 5:30 pm
Main Library in Newton
Caregivers for an aging parent are invited to join other caregivers at this ACAP-Hickory/Foothills meeting, to promote education, support and community. This month we’re learning some practical ways to communicate more effectively, express concerns, and more appropriately share the responsibilities of care as a balanced family unit.
Visit with the Library to Go - out in the community!
The People’s Tree Visit
Tuesday, November 8 from 5 - 8 pm
Downtown Newton
Join us as the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree makes its way from Pisgah Forest to Washington, DC. Well-wishers are invited to sign banners on the side of the truck while it is parked on the A Street side of the 1924 Courthouse Square. Stop by the Library to Go to say hello and enjoy fun activities!