Catawba County News

Think Pink: Breast Cancer Lunch
Published: October 02, 2019
Knowledge is power, especially in matters of personal health. To be armed with information is to be equipped for smart decision-making.
That’s the motivation behind the library’s upcoming Think Pink: Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon. We want to bring people together to share with them the latest facts and research about this particular type of cancer, which can affect both men and women.
Breast cancer, for instance, is not just indicated by a tell-tale lump. Other early signs that may hint at cancer include dimpling, swelling, redness, pain, burning, and prominent surface veins.
If you’d like to hear the latest information and you’re at risk for breast cancer – women over 40 and men with a family history of male breast cancer – call 828.465.8665 to register. (The deadline is 5 pm on Monday, October 7.) We’ll provide a free catered meal and the information and inspiration you need to lower your risk and live well.
The luncheon takes place at 12 noon on Wednesday, October 9 at the Main Library in Newton.