Catawba County News

Teens Invited to Share Love of Anime & Manga with Library Staff
Published: April 15, 2021
Do you know a teen who loves anime and manga? The Catawba County Library is hosting a virtual program highlighting these Japanese art forms at 6 pm on Monday, April 19. Teens and tweens aged 13-18 are invited to participate.
Manga is the term given to Japanese comic books and graphic novels, while anime is the term given to Japanese animation. In contrast to American comics, which often place a premium on action, manga and anime devote more time to character development and plot.
During the evening program, attendees will first get a quick overview of the library’s resources and its growing manga collection, which has been enlarged in recent months and is available in printed materials and digitally through apps like Hoopla. Then, the group will use Crunchyroll to watch some content-appropriate anime together and will talk about Japanese culture and how it’s reflected in manga and anime.
Afterwards, participants will be encouraged to talk about particular series they love and to guess how many anime our Youth Services Librarian has seen and how many manga she has read. Hint: It’s definitely a double-digit number for each!
To register, please visit or call 828.465.8665. While supplies last, early registrants will be able to receive a small assortment of Japanese snacks at their local library branch. A door prize will also be awarded to one participant from among those who attend the Zoom session.