Catawba County News

Tax Office to Mail 2019 Property Tax Notices
Published: July 08, 2019
The Catawba County Tax Office is scheduled to mail more than 98,000 property tax notices July 16, 2019.
Taxes will be due September 1, 2019, and delinquent after January 6, 2020. Payment arrangements may be made prior to September 1, 2019. Delinquent taxes will be subject to a 2% interest penalty beginning January 7, 2020, and a 3/4 of 1% penalty for each following month.
Notices will be mailed with a courtesy return envelope for taxpayers to use to return payments to the Catawba County Tax Collector. Property owners may also choose to pay taxes online at To pay online, property owners may visit the Tax page, listed under County Services, and click on the Pay Online icon. Online payments will require the abstract number shown on the actual tax bill or the bill number listed on the online Tax Bill Search page. A non-refundable convenience fee will be charged for all electronic transactions.
If a taxpayer has an outstanding balance from previous years, a note will show on the payment coupon portion of the bill to call the County Tax department about the outstanding balance. The amount of the existing balance will not be listed; the coupon will indicate only that the taxpayer has unpaid taxes due from prior years.
For more information, contact the Catawba County Tax Office at 828-465-8414 or visit the Tax page on