Catawba County News

Tails & Tales Stuffed Animal Sleepover
Published: July 22, 2021
Do you wonder what stuffed animals do when you’re not around?
We’ll give you a chance to find out when the library hosts a slumber party for your fuzzy friends!
If you’d like to give your stuffed animal a summertime adventure, drop it off at the Conover Branch during business hours on Tuesday, July 27 (noon-8 pm), Wednesday, July 28 (9 am-6 pm), or Thursday, July 29 (9 am-6 pm).
The kind librarians will entertain it, offer it enrichment activities, and give it plenty of play time with the other animals and with Freya, the branch’s pet dragon and writer-in-residence for the summer.
Then, at 10 am on Saturday, July 31, you can return to the library for a short storytime, pick up your stuffed animal, and hear about everything that happened while it was away!
Registration is required; sign up at