Catawba County News

Online nutrition education adds convenience
Published: September 17, 2019
HICKORY, N.C. – The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program at Catawba County Public Health is making WIC even more convenient in September with the addition of, which allows participants to access nutrition education online.
For families using, the online nutrition education modules can be completed anywhere there is an internet connection, making them portable and convenient. WIC participants will still have to come in for required nutrition assessments, but will have the option to complete nutrition education online and eliminate coming to the WIC agency for regular pickups.
“This allows families to save time and gas, and offers them the convenience of accessing nutrition education on computers, phones and tablets from home or on the go,” said Catawba County WIC Director Julie Byrd. modules also allow parents and caregivers to direct their own learning about nutrition and decide which modules best meet the needs of their family. They can then take the information they learn and immediately put it into practice.
“ takes nutrition education directly from couch to kitchen,” said Byrd. “Our staff is excited to be part of this transition, which will make WIC even more accessible in Catawba County.”
Modules include topics such as food safety, breastfeeding, foods for healthy teeth, managing picky eaters, simple snacks, meal planning and much more.
The Catawba County WIC office serves a monthly caseload of more than 3,500 participants. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and all of our services are provided in a welcoming and confidential setting. Read the non-discrimination statement at
Catawba County Public Health promotes and protects the health of all Catawba County residents through preventive services, innovative partnerships, and community health improvement initiatives. For more information, please call (828) 695-5800 or visit
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