Catawba County News

One Summer: America, 1927
Published: July 24, 2019
Popular author Bill Bryson holds dual citizenship in America and Great Britain and has written books about science, the English language, and travel. Defined by a natural curiosity and a desire to make these topics more accessible to readers, he has been awarded a number of literary and communications honors during his career.
One Summer: America, 1927 is Bryson’s look at a period in history that seems distant but actually has parallels to our own era. In his exploration of the people and events in the early 20th century, Bryson shares details that enliven what you might find in history books and that draw a contrast to the way things had been and the ways they were heading. Throughout the narrative he creates, Bryson sees the humor at hand.
The summer of 1927 was the summer of Babe Ruth, Al Capone, Herbert Hoover, and Calvin Coolidge. It was the time of Mississippi floods, tabloids, talking pictures, and Charles Lindbergh’s solo transatlantic flight. Bryson presents all of this information at face value but also points out the flaws, the foibles, the quirks, the horrors, and the often-unknown backstories that add nuance and a richer picture of this period in time when the Roaring ‘20s were giving way to the Great Depression. It’s a worthwhile foray into the past as it informs the present.
To learn more about 1927 and join in the discussion, join us at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, July 30 at the Maiden Branch Library.