Catawba County News

Healthy, Happy & Wise: Food Choice
Published: April 01, 2021
Research increasingly indicates that the foods we eat have a major influence on our health and well-being. Fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and good fats are touted for their positive effects and natural benefits. But do we know all we need to know about how they protect and sustain us?
To learn more about the details, join us for a virtual presentation on Zoom with certified personal trainer Dr. George Place. He’ll help us identify ways to look after our long-term physical health through smart strategies. For example, he’ll teach us to choose foods that provide energy, boost our immune response, and help us lose unwanted pounds. Just as importantly, he’ll also introduce foods that can lead to chronic disease and increased inflammation, giving us guidelines to avoid those pitfalls.
If you’d like to learn more about better living through food choice, register for this second program in the Healthy, Happy & Wise series by visiting The session takes place at 5:30 pm on Thursday, April 8 and will be presented in English. A Spanish-language version will take place a week later, at 5:30 pm on Thursday, April 15.
The upcoming classes in the series will focus on high-quality sleep (Thursday, May 13) and the science of happiness (Thursday, June 17). Register for them at the same link as above.