Catawba County News

Grant Writing 101: How to Ask for Funding
Published: October 30, 2019
For people involved in 501c3 organizations and other nonprofits, seeking out sources of funding to create new programs or grow existing ones can be a formidable task. And while it can be a challenge to find grants that fit the thrust of an organization’s work, it’s also true that many foundations struggle to dispense the funds they have available.
To give local nonprofits a better chance at boosting their appeals in grant cycles, the library is offering a workshop in its Grant Writing 101 series called How to Ask for Funding. The session will focus on helping participants create a statement of program or need. This statement describes the project or program in a compelling way so that it’s more apt to be funded. It requires self-analysis, carefully coordinated thoughts, appropriate details, and smart, persuasive writing. Once this basic language is complete, it can be tailored to meet the varying requirements of other grant applications.
Future library workshops will explore additional aspects of the grant writing process. Immediately, people who are interested in locating promising grants are invited to schedule an appointment with a research librarian and learn more about Candid, a new database that combines the resources of the former Foundation Center (a leading source of worldwide philanthropy) and the former GuideStar (a leading source on nonprofits). Candid can help organizations uncover useful leads and is available at the Main Library in Newton.
The workshop on statements of program/need takes place at noon on Thursday, November 7 at the Main Library in Newton. It is free and open to the public. Registration is required: 828.465.8665.