Catawba County News

Get Helpful Birding Tips from Local Enthusiast
Published: June 10, 2021
Did you know that North Carolina is home to some 470 species of birds? It’s little surprise, then, that birding – the practice of observing birds in their natural habitats – is such a popular pastime.
If you’d like to know more about how to enjoy local birds, the Catawba County Library will be offering a virtual program featuring birding enthusiast Jean McAnulty at 12 noon on Thursday, June 17. She’ll be sharing helpful tips for starting the hobby, and she’ll talk about how you can be economical in your approach.
To register for the workshop and receive the Zoom link, visit or call 828.465.8665.
To help your birding efforts, you can claim one of the library’s DIY kits to make a simple hummingbird feeder using your own empty wine bottle. In addition, all participants will receive a free May 2021 issue of Our State magazine, which includes two feature articles and a photo essay about birding in North Carolina. (One kit and magazine per household please, while supplies last.)
If you picked up a Birding Bingo card at last month’s program, you’ll have an opportunity to share the species you’ve identified in recent weeks. By turning in your completed game card by the end of June, you’ll also become eligible for one of three prizes from the library’s Art-o-Mat vending machine and local shops. If you'd like to participate but haven't gotten a card yet, you're welcome to pick one up at the June 17 program.