Catawba County News

Get a Good Night's Sleep
Published: July 11, 2019
According to the Centers for Disease Control, one-third of American adults don’t get enough sleep.
Chronic sleep deprivation is believed to impact hormone regulation, weight gain, falls and accidents, high blood pressure, irritability, inability to concentrate, and immune function.
With that list of potential dangers and certain concerns, it’s important that we find a way to achieve better, more sustained sleep.
To help us learn strategies that meet our personal needs, the Library is welcoming Suzanne Trollan, MA, LPC, a counselor with The Counseling Group in Hickory. Trollan will provide smart strategies on a number of fronts, including offering help for people who struggle to sleep or who wake up in the night and have trouble getting back to sleep.
Attendees will get useful tips to improve how they fall asleep and how they stay asleep all night. If you’re a member of the CDC's one-third group, this is invaluable information.
The presentation takes place at noon on Monday, July 15 at the Main Library in Newton. Registration is required; if you’d like to attend, please call 828.465.8665 to reserve a place.