Catawba County News

eRecording Training Available

eRecording Training Available

Published: October 24, 2022

The Secretary of State Land Records Management Division will be presenting a training in Catawba County on Tuesday, November 29th from 2:00pm - 4:00pm in the classroom of the Catawba County Board of Elections at 145 Government Drive Newton, NC 28658 in anticipation of Catawba County beginning to accept electronic map recordings at the beginning of the new year. The training will detail the advantages of eRecording and run through the process of how maps are prepared, reviewed, approved, and recorded. All individuals with county or municipal governments who are responsible for reviewing and approving maps for recording are encouraged to attend. Participation in the workshop does not obligate jurisdictions to start accepting maps electronically, but instead inform participants of the advantages and processes involved with doing so, hopefully alleviating concerns and misconceptions about the process. Any surveyors interested in the option to submit maps electronically are also invited to participate.

*eRecording does not replace existing hard-copy map submissions, but instead provides an additional delivery option to the ways a map can be approved and recorded.* If you have any questions regarding this class or would like to register for the class, please email the Register of Deeds Donna Hicks Spencer at or call at 828-465-1573.