Catawba County News

Employment Workshop: Resumés – 7/6/21
Published: July 01, 2021
The idea of a resumé seems simple enough, but once you sit down to create one, the process can be overwhelming. Did you remember your whole work history? How do you highlight specific skills for specific employers? What’s the best way to organize all of that information?
If you’d like expert assistance as you create your resumé – or update an old one – count on the people from NCWorks. Focused on workforce development, they support job-seekers and employers, so they’re well-versed in the best ways to present yourself to hiring managers.
In partnership with the library, NCWorks is offering a virtual resumé-writing workshop at 10 am on Tuesday, July 6. They’ll provide terrific advice on showcasing your skills and experience on paper and will share helpful tips to get you noticed in all the right ways.
To participate, register at A Zoom link will be sent to you via email prior to the workshop.
NCWorks will also be offering other targeted employment workshops to help candidates deal with specific needs related to overcoming a criminal record (Tuesday, July 13 at 2 pm) and acing an interview (Tuesday, July 27 at 2 pm). Register for these sessions at the same link as above.