Catawba County News

Commissioners Recognize NACo, GFOA Awards during July 15 Meeting
Published: July 16, 2024
During its July 15 meeting, the Catawba County Board of Commissioners recognized staff from several Catawba County departments for work that recently earned six national awards.
The following five initiatives earned National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Awards, which recognize innovative county government programs across the country:
Recruiting Microsoft: A Collaborative Approach with a $1B Outcome - In 2021, the Catawba County Economic Development Corporation began discussions with a national broker for Microsoft regarding potential datacenter sites in Catawba County. The NCDataCampus, a 5-entity multi-jurisdictional business park located in the City of Conover, was at the heart of those initial discussions. When the full scope of possibilities for the project was identified, the NCDataCampus became the jumping-off point for a large-scale investment and development plan involving four different locations in three separate jurisdictions with county-wide impact.
Beyond the Books: Fostering Empathy in Catawba County Libraries - The Catawba County Library staff development program represents a transformative approach to library service, emphasizing empathy and human services. This initiative empowers library staff with essential skills to effectively interact with and support patrons experiencing homelessness, mental health challenges, or substance addiction. Utilizing resources like "The Ryan Dowd Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness" and Mental Health First Aid Training, the program cultivates an environment of understanding and compassion. Staff are trained to distinguish between non-negotiable and flexible rules, promoting a balance of safety and empathetic engagement. This forward-thinking program not only enhances the library's capacity to serve its community but also establishes the library as a vital, welcoming community hub.
Tales from The Garden: Cultivating Early Literacy and Community Engagement - When North Carolina lifted Covid-19 restrictions in June 2021, parents sought safe educational avenues for their children, prompting Catawba County Library to launch "Tales in the Garden." This outdoor, bilingual series fosters cultural enrichment and literacy, addressing developmental gaps in a post-pandemic landscape. Each bilingual storytime event, facilitates community connections and promotes the importance of early literacy. Notably, initiatives like "Last Stop on Market Street" employ immersive experiences to spark curiosity and nurture educational, social, and emotional learning opportunities. Leveraging over 35 partnerships, the program has welcomed 1500+ participants, exceeding expectations and ensuring early childhood success. The program's immersive early literacy experiences, like "Last Stop on Market Street," showcase creativity and yield measurable results, including enhanced literacy outcomes and strengthened community ties. Its low-cost, scalable model ensures accessibility and sustainability, making it a standout example of effective library programming committed to community enrichment and aligning seamlessly with the library’s mission to connect, explore, and grow.
Catawba County Street Improvement Program - Many subdivisions have been constructed in Catawba County without any effective process for maintaining the roads. The Catawba County Street Improvement Program assists property owners with constructing improvements to streets in their neighborhoods and transferring them to NCDOT’s Secondary Road Maintenance System. The County manages the construction project and bills the cost back to affected property owners through a special assessment similar to a tax assessment. The program is facilitated by Catawba County Utilities & Engineering following North Carolina statutes.
The Scatter Garden - Catawba County Social Services is tasked with the disposition of unclaimed bodies. Deceased residents of Catawba County, who are unclaimed after a thorough search for friends and family, are claimed by the county and cremated. Until recently, the cremains of these individuals have been sitting on a shelf with no final words said and no final resting place. Catawba County reached out to the Town of Maiden, where the creation of The Maiden Municipal Scatter Garden was already in progress. Adult Services, the unit of Social Services tasked with the disposition of unclaimed bodies, now holds quarterly ceremonies where cremains are scattered in the garden. Rev. Scott Henson provides words of comfort and remembrance. The garden is a place where family can visit to remember the loved one they were unable to claim, and a place where individuals can have a respectful and fitting final resting place.
Additionally, the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to Catawba County for its annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023. Catawba County has earned this award for 43 consecutive years.
The report was judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program, which includes demonstrating a constructive "spirit of full disclosure" to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the report.
The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.