Catawba County News

Catawba County Public Health Adds New Data to COVID-19 Dashboard
Published: July 15, 2020
Catawba County Public Health has updated its online COVID-19 dashboard with new and updated data drawn from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. The dashboard is published on the Catawba County website at
Notable changes to the dashboard include the following:
A “Total Tests Completed” category has been added to report total Catawba County test numbers, and the county’s “Negative Test Results” number has been recalculated. Neither testing nor negative test results have been required to be reported to local health departments. Due to the state’s ability to acquire more comprehensive results from testing labs, these numbers will be reported locally on a weekly basis in alignment with state data.
The county’s “recovered” data have been recalculated to align with the state’s definition and reporting of “recovered” cases and will be updated weekly. Previously, this number was tallied on a daily basis by Public Health using a clinical definition of COVID recovery developed before the state provided an official definition for this data category.
The reporting of other data points on the dashboard will remain the same. The “New Cases Today,” “Total Cases,” “Current Hospitalizations” and “Deaths” categories, along with the daily case graph, are updated on a daily basis from information received directly at Public Health. Because of this, these numbers may be a few days ahead of state reporting.
Definitions of all data points have been added to the dashboard for ease of reference by clicking tabs associated with each data box.
For more information about preventing COVID-19 and Catawba County Public Health’s response, including the COVID-19 dashboard, visit