Catawba County News

Bring the Family Out for Tails & Tales at Catawba Farms
Published: July 22, 2021
To wrap up its ‘Tails & Tales in the Garden’ series, the Catawba County Library is inviting you on a field trip!
Throughout the summer, the popular events have taken place in the community garden at the Main Library in Newton. For this final get-together, the community is encouraged to gather at Catawba Farms (1670 Southwest Blvd, Newton) for the evening. The program takes place at 6:30 pm on Thursday, July 29.
The family-friendly event promises to immerse you in the two main features of this year’s Summer Learning theme: animals and storytelling. Kids will enjoy a read-aloud session with colorful picture books, and they’ll have time to play games, make crafts, and take part in other activities. Music will play, sidewalk chalk will be available, and the whole family can hang out for a while and relax.
The owners of Catawba Farms will also offer tours of the property, where you can meet a variety of favorite farm animals, including a pot-bellied pig, peacock, horse, and rabbits. In addition, you’ll be able to collect prizes for completed Summer Learning reading goals and to find out about upcoming library programs. Please bring your own camp chair or blanket to spread out. Registration is not required to attend the free event.
As a special treat, the Library to Go will also be set up, so make sure to stop by and visit the mobile branch. You can check out books for all ages, explore games and activities, and discover lots of fun resources for education and entertainment.