Catawba County News

Black History: The New Deal

Black History: The New Deal

Published: December 10, 2019

To foster a greater awareness of American history in general, the library hosts a regular gathering to touch on topics of interest related to black history. The conversations introduce people and events that aren’t always deeply familiar and put them into context to boost community understanding.

This month, the Black History Discussion Group will be talking about the New Deal, a series of economic programs implemented by President Franklin Roosevelt in the early 1930s. Designed to combat Depression-era unemployment and boost the nation’s recovery, the programs resulted in benefits for both African-American and white residents, including new standards for a minimum wage, working conditions, and union organization.

Perhaps one of the most notable advances of the New Deal was in the Roosevelt Administration’s acknowledgement of America’s race issues and its efforts at the federal level to change policies and initiate conversations about civil rights for all Americans. Through its ongoing work, for example, the FDR Administration is said to have tripled the number of African-Americans working for the federal government.

To learn more about the New Deal and experience an overview of American history during the 1930s, plan to attend the library’s program at 4 pm on Tuesday, December 17 at the Main Library in Newton. Bring your curiosity and your understanding – all are welcome. Light refreshments will be served.