Paralegal FAQs
There are two methods for printing tax bill screens:
- You should be able to print any page that has a Print Page Icon in the upper right corner.
- You can also select File/Print from your browser menu. Be aware that not all browsers process the File/Print in the same manner. Internet Explorer is the standard browser for use with Catawba County programs.
Depending upon your current screen resolution setting and the browser you are using, it may be necessary to scroll down in order to view the Current Due section of the tax bill. This section is located in the lower right.
As is the case with most search programs, less is more. When beginning your search, type only a few letters or numbers followed by an asterisk *. This will bring up all records meeting your criteria. You can then refine your search. Do not use commas.
Parcel Number, REID Number and LRK Number are all the same number. In a split, the piece of property most central to the original property will keep the original parcel number.
Abstract Number and Bill Number are the same.
Only Tagged vehicles show a location of “Suppressed due to privacy reasons.” Even then, the only information suppressed is location and address.
- Bill Search – Used to search Tax bills for tagged motor vehicles and real property. You can search by Bill Number, Business Name, Owner Name, Parcel Number and Street Name. Search can be refined by Tax Year.
- Special Assessment Search – This is used for street assessments only. You can search by Bill Number, Business Name, Owner Name, Parcel Number and Street name. Search can be refined by Sewer & Water, Street Assessment or Street Lighting.
- Delinquent Bill Search – Used to search past due tax bills. You can search by Tax Year and Balance between. Additional sort of Billed Amount, Name and Tax Year are available.
- Personal Property Search – Used to search records for personal property only.
It is worth remembering that some Long View and Hickory addresses can in fact be physically located in Burke County. Do not hesitate to call our office for assistance in these issues. Note: At the current time, the County is running both the new GIS and the Legacy GIS sites. This could cause some confusion. To access only the new GIS website, delete all shortcuts and cached listings. Go to the Catawba County home page and access the new GIS website. Once there, add new shortcut. If you have any other questions, please contact the tax office.