Catawba County News

Seniors Morning Out Holds Drum Circles

Seniors Morning Out Holds Drum Circles

Published: October 24, 2022

HICKORY – Area Seniors Morning Out locations are offering the opportunity for those age 60 and over to participate in a drum circle with the Hickory Music Factory.  There is no charge to participate but reservations are required at least 2 business days in advance of the drum circle.  All drum circles start at 9:45am and lunch will be provided afterwards.  On Wednesday, November 2nd, the drum circle will be at First Presbyterian Church in Newton – call 828-465-4133 to make your reservation; on Monday, November 7th, the drum circle will be at the West Hickory Senior Center – call 828-323-8746 to make a reservation; on Wednesday, November 9th, the drum circle will be at First United Methodist Church in Hickory – call 828-320-5963 to make a reservation; on Monday, November 14th, the drum circle will be at Center United Methodist Church in Catawba – call 828-320-0434 to make your reservation; and on Wednesday, November 16th, the drum circle will be at the Maiden Community Center – call 828-320-5966 to make your reservation.

These performances are supported by the United Arts Council of Catawba County through the North Carolina Arts Council, with funding from the State of North Carolina.