Catawba County News

Local Group 3 Vaccination Information
Published: February 10, 2021
Governor Cooper announced today that educators and child care providers will be eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine beginning February 24, and other essential workers in Group 3 on March 10. Catawba County Public Health and our vaccination partners, Catawba Valley Health System and Frye Regional Medical Center, will be coordinating vaccinations for Group 3 directly with employers. No appointments for Group 3 are being scheduled at this time.
More information on this process will be available to employers as we get closer to vaccinating eligible individuals. Essential workers eligible in Group 3 who wish to be vaccinated should contact their employer.
Vaccinations will continue to be provided based on vaccine availability and in partnership with both Catawba Valley Health System and Frye Regional Medical Center.
In the meantime, vaccination of healthcare workers and individuals age 65 and over will continue, and Catawba County’s vaccination providers will honor appointments already made for people in these groups.