Catawba County News

Learn More About the Census
Published: January 16, 2020
The framers of the US Constitution chose population as the basis for sharing political power, not wealth and not land. Getting an accurate count of the county's population affects our taxes, congressional representation, and funding for hospitals, schools, and roads.
As a result, everyone living in the United States is required by the US Constitution to be counted. Since the census takes place every 10 years, it can be hard for people to remember what they need to do to make sure they’re included – and who will contact them.
At this upcoming presentation, we’ll learn more about how the Census Bureau must handle your information safely and securely. We’ll also hear more about how technology is affecting the process for this census, and we’ll discover what residents are required to do and what no Census employee will ever ask you.
To get all the details, plan to attend the program at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, January 22 at the Main Library in Newton.
And if you’re interested in taking a more active role, visit to find out about part-time or full-time temporary positions in our area.