Catawba County News

Catawba County Library Reopens Conover and Claremont Branches

Catawba County Library Reopens Conover and Claremont Branches

Published: June 15, 2020

The Catawba County Library will complete its reopening of the library system when the Conover Branch resumes standard business hours on Tuesday, June 16 (Tue noon-8 pm, Wed-Fri 9 am-6 pm, Sat 9 am-2 pm) and the Claremont Branch resumes standard business hours on Tuesday, June 23 (Tue-Fri noon-6 pm, Sat 9 am-2 pm).

As the two branches restore direct access to computers, library materials, and other in-house resources, they will feature limited occupancy, social distancing, and safety protocols that support public health needs while also delivering the important services that county residents depend on.

In addition, the City of Conover is requiring that anyone who enters the Conover Station building wear a face mask. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and to help people who may have the virus and not know it from transmitting it to others.

To accommodate visitors safely at all locations, the library has implemented the following procedures:

  • Limited and Timed Access: In order to maintain social distancing and sanitizing guidelines, a certain number of patrons is permitted to enter the library at any given time. Each one will check in with a staff member for a one-hour period of access and be provided a paper mask. When the hour is up, that patron will exit, and the next person in line will be admitted. Patrons are encouraged to call ahead to check on availability and potential waits. Customers with COVID-19 symptoms are asked not to visit the library at this time.
  • Signage and Markings: To help with social distancing and the formation of orderly lines, signage and painted/taped guides have been installed at the entrances to the buildings and inside each branch.
  • Enhanced Safety: The library has also installed service desk shields and has provided face masks and face shields to staff members. Employees sanitize high-touch surfaces (computers, keyboards, mice, printers, copiers, furnishings, etc.) between customer use. Customers are encouraged to use sanitizing supplies provided at the library.
  • Meeting Spaces and In-House Library Programs: Thesewill be reintroduced at a later date as safety restrictions allow.

For more information about the Catawba County Library’s resources and services, visit, call 828.465.8665, email, or visit