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Permits in the Public Portal may be showing as expired when they should be active. A solution is currently being investigated.

Applications, Forms and Checklists

The Catawba County Procedures Manual is to be used in conjunction with the Catawba County Unified Development Ordinance. The Procedures Manual is a booklet that contains the applications, forms, and specific site plan requirements in order to have a development reviewed by the County. We recommend that anyone going through the development process should first obtain a copy of the Unified Development Ordinance to determine the type of development and the process required for review.

General Permits, Applications, and Checklists

Quasi-Judicial (Board of Adjustment) Applications/Checklists

Rezoning Applications/Checklists

Subdivision Applications/Checklists/Certificates

Miscellaneous Forms/Agreements/Waivers


Catawba County, North Carolina Catawba County - Catawba County Government - Catawba County North Carolina