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Emergency Management

Catawba County Emergency Management (CatCoEM) protects the community by coordinating all the activities necessary to build, sustain and improve the capability of the community to prepare, respond, and recover from all types of hazards - both natural and man-made such as tornadoes, flooding, ice storms, hazardous materials spills, industrial and transportation incidents, and acts of terrorism.

The Emergency Management division is responsible for:

  • Development of the County’s plans for large-scale emergencies and disasters.
  • Educating individuals, families, businesses and community groups on emergency preparedness.
  • Conducting training and exercises to evaluate the effectiveness of plans and policies.
  • Collecting, analyzing, and disseminating incident information.
  • Coordinate and support responses to and recovery from emergencies.
  • Obtaining funding in support of preparedness and mitigation for the county.

We develop and maintain the framework within which our citizens can reduce their vulnerability to hazards and cope with emergencies. Some of the ways we work to increase our community’s ability to respond and recover from disasters include planning, training and exercises; developing personnel and equipment resources; relationship building; and providing community programs.

Annual Tier II reports, RMP, new facilities and updates filed to meet the requirements of Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act for both Catawba County and the State of North Carolina must be filed electronically through E-Plan’s Online Tier II Reporting System. Paper copies are not necessary for Catawba County, the LEPC or the State of North Carolina. If your company requires verification, you may email our Emergency Management Coordinator at

Contact Emergency Management:

Catawba County, North Carolina Catawba County - Catawba County Government - Catawba County North Carolina