County Media Contacts

The Communications & Marketing Office coordinates community and media relations on behalf of County government, including providing public information about County government and services. The office also manages the County’s community branding and marketing initiatives in collaboration with community partners. In addition, several County departments maintain communications-related staff who are available to assist with media inquiries specific to their offices.

Primary Media Contacts

Catawba County
Amy McCauley, Communications & Marketing Director
Phone: (828) 465-8464

Paul Foster, Communications & Marketing Strategist
Phone: (828) 465-8203

Specialized Media Contacts

Catawba County Sheriff's Office
Captain Aaron Turk
(828) 465-8349

Catawba County Library
Lindsay Robins, Community Engagement Specialist
(828) 465-8661

Catawba County Public Health
Emily Killian, Community Engagement Specialist
Phone: (828) 695-6637

Meals on Wheels of Catawba County
Michele Francois, Business Manager II
Phone: (828) 695-5617