Catawba County News

BOC Meeting Recap: 2/17/25
Published: February 17, 2025
The February 17, 2025 Board of Commissioners meeting was called to order at 7pm. The agenda for tonight’s meeting can be found at
BOC approved minutes from the Board’s regular meeting and closed session of February 3, 2025.
Staff requests the Board of Commissioners approve the Catawba County Work First Plan for FFY 2026 – 2028. Work First is a cash assistance program designed to assist families that care for children and who meet a certain degree of kinship to the child. BOC approved.
There are 8 Consent Agenda items being presented.
Consent Agenda 1/8: The Finance and Personnel Subcommittee requests appropriation of $42,000 from Schools Capital Fund Balance to the Hickory High School Renovations project to repair a loose piping chase.
Consent Agenda 2/8: The Finance and Personnel Subcommittee requests appropriation of $24,137 from General Fund Balance for Catawba County’s share of lyngbya treatment on Lake Norman in Fiscal Year 2024/25.
Consent Agenda 3/8: The Finance and Personnel Subcommittee requests the Board of Commissioners approve appropriations in the amount of $483,148 to recognize the addition of Microsoft 365 (MS365) to the existing Microsoft Enterprise agreement, meeting GASB 96 criteria as a long-term debt obligation.
Consent Agenda 4/8: The Policy and Public Works Subcommittee requests the Board of Commissioners: 1. Award the bid for the Bay Pointe Subdivision Road Improvements to J.T. Russell & Sons Inc., of Conover, in the amount of $242,731.55; 2. Transfer $250,000 from Subdivision Road Improvement Future Projects; and 3. Authorize the County Manager to execute all necessary documents associated with the project.
Consent Agenda 5/8: The Policy and Public Works Subcommittee requests the Board of Commissioners approve a resolution declaring the County-owned property located at 17 Hwy 70 SE, Hickory surplus and begin the upset bid process, based on an offer to purchase the property by Everett-Two, LLC, in the amount of $650,000.
Consent Agenda 6/8: Staff requests the Board of Commissioners amend the list of Map Review Officers by resolution adoption.
North Carolina General Statutes require all counties to appoint Review Officers to review each plat or map before recordation and certify it meets statutory mapping requirements. Statutorily, individuals must be appointed by name, not job title, so any time a change occurs in staffing, a new Review Officer has to be approved by resolution of the Board of Commissioners and subsequently recorded in the Register of Deeds Office.
City of Hickory is requesting Wilson Elliott be added as a review officer.
City of Conover is requesting Terry Lail be removed as a review officer.
Town of Catawba is requesting Dustin Millsaps be removed as a review officer.
With approval of the resolution incorporating the changes noted above, the active list of Review Officers will be:
Catawba County: Chris Timberlake, Madison Whisnant, Laurie LoCicero, Maggie Gaughan and Frances Darnall
City of Hickory: Brian Frazier, Cal Overby, Mike Kirby, and Wilson Elliott
City of Newton: Randy Williams and Alex S. Fulbright
City of Conover: Stephanie Watson, Heather Stephens, Madeleine Epley, and Erik Schlichting
City of Claremont: Bryce Carter
Town of Long View: Charles T. Mullis
Town of Maiden: Blake Wright, Lisa Johnson
Town of Catawba: John E. Wear, Teresa Kinney, and Ashley Young
Town of Brookford: Marshall Eckard
Consent Agenda 7/8: The Tax Administrator requests the Board of Commissioners approve nine releases totaling $2,585.79, 11 refunds totaling $10,716.77 and 16 Motor Vehicles Bill adjustments / refunds totaling $890.37 requested during the month of January.
Consent Agenda 8/8: Pursuant to NCGS §105-369, staff requests the Board of Commissioners accept the Tax
Collector’s 2024 report on delinquent real property taxes and adopt the attached Resolution ordering the Tax Collector to advertise the delinquent tax liens.
BOC approved all 8 Consent Agenda items.
BOC adjourned the meeting at 7:24 pm.