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Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFR)

This annual comprehensive financial report is divided into three major sections: introductory, financial and statistical. The introductory section includes a transmittal letter, the County’s organization chart, and a list of government officials. The financial section includes the basic financial statements and the combining and individual fund and account group financial statements and schedules, as well as the independent auditors' report and the Management’s Discussion and Analysis. The statistical section, which is unaudited, includes selected financial and demographic information, generally presented on a multi-year basis.

DISCLAIMER: The financial reports and statements included on this web page represent the financial position and results of operations as of and for the fiscal year ended June 30. Catawba County assumes no responsibility for updating these financial reports and statements for events which may have occurred subsequent to the date of the auditors’ report.

Catawba County has taken reasonable security measures to protect the integrity of its website and information posted thereon. Absent any unauthorized act that deletes, edits or manipulates the words or data in the financial reports and statements, such financial reports and statements are accurate as of their date. By accessing the financial reports and statement, you agree to and acknowledge your understanding of this disclaimer.

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