Carson Johnson

COOPERATIVE EXTENSION: Carson Johnson, Area Livestock Agent
Years worked with the County: 1+ years
Briefly describe your job. What do you do?
Extend research based information to livestock farmers in Catawba and Lincoln counties – take information from NCSU (and other Universities) and share with livestock producers to help them improve their farming practices or help them with practices so their farm operation is more profitable. Provide support to the Catawba Valley Cattlemen’s Association and youth livestock programs.
What is a typical workday like for you?
Depends on the time of the year. The summer involves a lot of preparing for the youth livestock shows for the fair. Right now, I am getting ready to teach a Beginner Livestock workshop series that will be offered in October. My time is split between Catawba and Lincoln County.
What is your favorite aspect of your job – what do you enjoy doing most?
Going on the farm visits and being outside helping and advising farmers.
What is the County core value you believe most relates to the work you do, and why?
Doing What Matters - because Extension is in the business of service and I like knowing that I am helping others.
Doing it Well – by encouraging producers to adopt new and better ways of doing things on their farm.
What do you like best about working for Catawba County?
I feel very supported by Catawba County government and there is lots of community support for Cooperative Extension.
Where did you grow up?
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Being outsides, spending time with my husband, working with my own cows, and my dogs.
Favorite movie, TV show, and/or book?
“Game of Thrones” and Lonesome Dove.
Favorite musical artist or genre?
Pony Bradshaw, Appalachian country style music.
Favorite sports team(s)?
NCSU, of course.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
To be able to fly because it would let me get places faster and see many things as I go.