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Annual Financial Highlight Reports (PAFR)

In today's complex world of governmental financial reporting, analyzing financial statements can be a challenge — especially for those without accounting backgrounds. This report was designed to address that issue by providing a recap of your County's finances in an easy to read format.

The financial statements used in these reports are simplified and condensed to reflect financial information regarding Catawba County’s government-wide information. The County’s financial statements provide information on revenues, expenses, and net assets of Catawba County for that particular fiscal year.

Most of the information in these reports are drawn from the financial information appearing in the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). The ACFR is a more detailed and complete financial presentation prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and was audited by the County’s independent external auditors. While the financial data in this report conforms with GAAP, the statistical, economic and demographic data are taken from various sources and are not necessarily GAAP based. The financial information for component units can be found in the ACFR and are available at Catawba County public libraries and online here.

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