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Debt Policy

Debt Management Policy

Catawba County recognizes that a formal debt policy is essential to effective financial management. Adherence to a debt management policy signals to rating agencies and capital markets that the government is well managed and therefore likely to meet its debt obligations in a timely manner. In addition, it helps to insure that a government maintains a sound financial position and that credit quality is protected. Debt management policies are written guidelines, allowances and restrictions that guide the debt issuance process and it is a recommended practice of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).

Many of the processes for approval, sale and repayment of debt are controlled by North Carolina General Statutes and may not all be repeated within this policy. This debt policy is to be used in conjunction with those laws and regulations along with the operating and capital budgets and other financial policies. Objectives of the debt policy have been established to assist the County in retaining its bond ratings and include:

  • Funding a Capital Improvement Plan
  • Maintaining an appropriate mix of pay-as-you-go and debt funding
  • Maintaining an adequate fund balance, including an appropriate level of unassigned fund balance
  • Structuring debt repayment schedules that observers expect of highly rated (AA or AAA) counties
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