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Billing Services

The Billing Services division is responsible for the billing and collection of Catawba County services including landfill, building inspections, privilege licenses and other miscellaneous billings.

The County contracts with a third party billing service, EMS Management & Consultants (EMS), for its ambulance charges. This includes all patient billing as well as the filing of Medicare, Medicaid, and other private insurance. EMS accepts payment by check or credit card. Most questions concerning your ambulance bill can be answered by contacting EMS at 1-800-814-5339 or online at

Accounts with unpaid balances may be referred to collection agencies. The Finance Department also utilizes the services of the North Carolina Debt Setoff program whereby unpaid amounts can be deducted from North Carolina State Income Tax refunds to satisfy debt owed to the County.

Billing Services Customer Service

Ambulance Billing
EMS Management & Consultants
1-800-814-5339 or 828-466-7202

All Other Billing Questions (sorry, but we can not answer Ambulance Billing Questions)
Scott Rogers

Catawba County AR
Attn: Accounts Receivable
P.O. Box 389
Newton, NC 28658




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