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LITeracy Trails & Little Free Libraries

LITeracy Trails

LITeracy Trails (LIT = literature, information, and technology) offer an innovative, delightful way to enjoy reading and the outdoors at the same time. Since children learn to talk, read, and write through social experiences, these skills often develop in real-life settings through positive interactions with engaging materials. LITeracy stations bring reading, technology, and fitness activities to the forefront as people connect to the stories in their own ways!

Each trail consists of 18 individual stations that trace the storyline of different children’s books while also offering opportunities for exercise and further exploration. Featured books are changed on a quarterly basis.

Catawba County hosts LITeracy Trails at four local parks and historical attractions:

The LITeracy Trails were created through the efforts of the Catawba County Historical Association, Catawba County Parks, local Boy Scout groups, and Catawba County Leadership Academy.

View a map of the county's LITeracy Trails, Little Free Libraries, and Catawba County Library locations.

Little Free Libraries

The Catawba County Library also helps maintain a variety of Little Free Library book exchanges throughout the county. The brightly decorated, freestanding units are filled with books for children and adults, and the materials are free for anyone interested. These “take a book, return a book” sharing boxes play an essential role in learning by providing 24/7 access to books and encouraging a love of reading!

Books may be replaced in the Little Free Libraries once they've been enjoyed, or residents may stock the Little Free Libraries with gently used materials they no longer need.

To learn more, check out the Little Free Library website. To find Little Free Libraries outside of Catawba County, click here.

Catawba County's Little Free Libraries are available at the following locations:

Catawba County, North Carolina Catawba County - Catawba County Government - Catawba County North Carolina