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Thomas Franklin Sherrill

Sherrill Family Bibliography
Alex Floyd
Associate Librarian

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Beatty, Marie.
Through the years with Jane and John Robinson / written and compiled by Marie Beatty, Pauline Gilleland Drum, Shirley V. Beatty.
Contains Sherrill family information
Page 153 -- Thomas Alexander Sherrill (12-14-1852)
Page 154 -- Clyde Graham Sherrill (1-30-1881)
Page 155 -- Albert Clyde Sherrill, Danny Wayne Sherrill, Evelyn Rachel Sherrill, Hal Ray Sherrill, Herman David Sherrill, James Harry Sherrill, and Robert Franklin Sherrill.
Page 156 --Mary Faye Sherrill, Rome A. Sherrill, Joe C. Sherrill, Annie Mae Sherrill, Joseph Cephus Sherrill, Barbara Sherrill, and Edith Sherrill.
Beatty, Marie.
Supplement to through the years with Jane and John Robinson
Contains Sherrill family information
Burgner, Goldene Fillers.
Washington County, Tennessee wills, 1777-1872
Easley, SC: Southern Historical Press, c1983.
Arch. 929.3768 BUR
Page 8 --Samuel Sherrill--June 4, 1800
Catawba Cousins, Journal
Published by the CATAWBA COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY April 1992, Page 167-169
Sherrill Bible Records Transcribed (VF Mat.)
January 1988
Elisha Sherrill, Pioneer Catawban, and Neighbors Had Varied Experiences     (VF Mat.)
Clark, Wanda L. (Wanda Laveta), 1917-
The Sherrill saga: history of William Sherrill (Sherwill), the Conestoga fur trader, 16 ? to 1725, and his son, Adam Sherrill, the North Carolina pioneer, 1699 to 1772, together with the genealogical records of Jacob Sherrill, the seventh son of Adam Sherrill, the North Carolina pioneer, and of Jacob's wife, Hulda(h) Wilson
The Confederate Veteran magazine, 1893-
Wendell, NC: Broadfoot Pub. Co., [c198-?].
Arch. 973.7 CON v.19
Page 547
An announcement of Miles O. Sherrill's (State Librarian)  "A SOLDIER'S STORY" FOR THE YOUNG AS WELL AS THE OLD published originally as a pamphlet describing prison life and detailing general incidents in the Civil War.  (Not the actual pamphlet--more information on the pamphlet is published in Stepping Back in Time, March 1989.)
Heritage Book of: Catawba County
Jackson County
Hickory Daily Record Adam Sherrill Family 1st to Arrive
Crossed Into Valley in 1747
By Pamela Whitener
Discusses the adventures of Adam Sherrill and family.
September 11, 1965
Adam Sherrill First to Cross Catawba River
Discusses the dedication of the boulder/monument.
September 11, 1965
Brave Bonnie Kate Sherrill Finds Love, Adventure Wed to Indian Fighter
The life of a brave, handsome woman who loved her family and thrived on the frontier of her day, her stand against the Tories and a listing of her children.
September 11, 1965
First Crossing Into Catawba  
Adam Sherrill's 8 Sons Made Way Into Valley in 1747
*5 confederate generals were born in Lincoln county:  Robert F. Hoke, Stephen Dodson, Ramseur, Robert D. Johnston, John Horace Forney and Daniel Henry Forney
June 6, 1970
            Reasons Uncertain
            Asks why Adam Sherrill forded the river to make his new home.
February 9, 1979
Weidner Among First County Settlers
Makes the claim that the Catawba River was named for the Catawba Indian Tribe.
Claims the Sherrill's arrived "by wagon from Virginia."
June 1, 1997, Page 8A
Wedding Unites Couple & Events Honor Bridal Couple &
Guests Attend Wedding
Augusta Lynn Sherrill wed Mark Taylor Murphy
Nancy Sherrill Jones attends as guest.
Hickory News 125th Anniversary Issue
Page 3A
Where it all began, Adam Sherrill crossed the Catawba 
This article discusses which sites were submerged with the Lake Norman development.

June 5, 1997
Conover's Lynn Sherrill wed Mark Murphy.
Hickory News, Hickory Heartbeat Edition September 4, 1974
Photo of Commemorative boulder/monument for the Crossing of the Catawba River by Adam Sherrill.
November 13, 1997
Scene by Sylvia
Historian Gary talk on Adam Sherrill's origins and life on the frontier.
Hodges, Frances Beal Smith.
The Sherrills and their history
Ingmire, Frances Terry.
Abstracted wills of Catawba County, North Carolina, 1842-1870
St. Louis, MO (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136): F.T. Ingmire, c1984.
NC Ref 929.3756785 ING
Ivey, George Franks.
The Ivey family in the United States
Contains Sherrill family information
NC Ref 929.2 IVES
Lyon, Josephine E. Wood (Josephine Elizabeth Wood), 1901-
From Tom's Creek to Sherrill's Ford : the Wood, Sherrill & related families
Josephine E. Wood Lyon & Mary A. Browning.
NC Ref 929.2 WOOD
Photo of the Rankin-Sherrill home on page 80
Sherrill family history begins on page 81
Family charts throughout the text--including Sherrills in KY Chart #7
Observer News Enterprise January 26, 1977
Ancestor of Adam Sherrill:  Man Helped Found Camp
Clarence White's story of his life and how Camp Dogwood began.
Reference to a "Pound Party" where each attendee brings a pound of candy or some other refreshments. 
August 9, 1991
County native featured Reunion speaker
Army Captain Ernest Todd Sherrill, Persian Gulf war commander speaks during Reunion Day.
June 2, 1998
Couple wed at Newton's First Methodist
Augusta Lynn Sherrill wed Mark Taylor Murphy
July 13, 2000
Local history lessons found in Sherrill Family Cemetery
By John Grindel, Jr. Staff Writer
Tells an interesting tale of Beauregard "Boots" Sherrill's meeting Wyatt Earp in Dodge City, Kansas.
Oliver, Rebekah Deal.
The genealogical record of the descendants of Enos Sherrill: son of Uriah Sherrill who was one of the eight sons of Adam Sherrill, the first white man to cross the Catawba River, N.C.
Oliver, Duane, 1932-
Remembered lives: a narrative history of our family: including the Proctor, Welch, Jones, Marcus, Hoffman, Sherrill, Farley, Cook, Martin, Woodard and Oliver families, and a brief examination of the Hyde, Sawyer and Chambers families
NC Ref 929.2 PROCTOR
Philbeck, Miles S.
Caldwell County, North Carolina, will abstracts, 1841-1910
Wilson, NC: [Turner and Philbeck], c1983.
NC Ref 929.3756845 PHI
[260] David Sherrill 13 June 1869/January 1870
Philbeck, Miles S.
Lincoln County, North Carolina will abstracts, 1779-1910 / compiled by Miles S. Philbeck, Jr. and Grace Turner.
Wilson, NC: G. Turner; Chapel Hill, N.C.: M.S. Philbeck, Jr., c1986.
NC Ref 929.375678 PHI
Wills of Aaron--1828, Adam-1804, Alexander-1831, Elisha-1831, Elizabeth-1834, Enos-1841, Jacob-1810, Joseph-1831, Joshua-1817, Logan W. -1842, M. A.-1874, Martha-1838, Moses-1811, Moses-1829, Susan E.-1902, Theophilus-1873
Powell, William S.
Dictionary of North Carolina biography
Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, c1979-
NC Ref 920.0756 DIC v.5
Page 333
Miles Osborne Sherrill-- (26 July 1841-8 April 1919)
Elizabeth Bray Sherrill
Stepping back in Time--Journal
December 1992  (VF Mat.)
Pages 156-164
This article deals mostly with the life of Dr. Josephus Turner, who married an Epsie (Epas) Sherrill-- (her third marriage) who has caused great genealogical confusion through the records she left.
Rucker, Elizabeth Hoyle.
The genealogy of Peiter Heyl and his descendents, 1100-1936
NC Ref 929.2 HOYLE
Sherrill, Harold C.
Descendants of Adam Sherrill
Sherrill, Mary La Jean Davis
Samuel Sherrill, son of Adam and Elizabeth and some of his descendants
NC Ref 929.2 SHERRILL v.1
NC Ref 929.2 SHERRILL v.2
Stepping Back in Time, Journal
March 1989, Page 32-37
Elizabeth Bray Sherrill
A Soldier's Story by Miles Osborne Sherrill
(VF Mat.)
Sherrill, William Andrew.
Captain William Sherrill, son of Adam and Elizabeth, and some of their descendants
Sherrill, William Andrew.
Jacob Sherrill, son of Adam and Elizabeth and some of their descendants
Smokey Mountain Historical Society Newsletter
Summer, 1987
Littlepage Sims:  The Tennessee Years
By Marilyn G. Rowan
Littlepage Sims married Mary Jane Sherrill.  The article lists their children.
Pages 38-42
Williams Graveyard
(VF Mat.)
5 pages on the Williams Graveyard in Indian and a list of the known buried there, which includes Alice Sherrill Stipps
The Rhodes Room web site was created with support from federal Library Service and Technology Act (LSTA) funds made possible through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources through the North Carolina ECHO, 'Exploring Cultural Heritage Online' Digitization Grant Program.