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County Boundary

Catawba-Lincoln County Boundary Information

On February 2, 2025, the state-defined boundary line between Catawba and Lincoln counties will be re-established in accordance with a survey conducted by the North Carolina Geodetic Survey (NCGS).

Mapping Tool

The online mapping tool provides an interactive map with property-specific information regarding the boundary line shift and how it may affect the property.

Info Line: 828-465-9608
Call this number to connect with staff who can answer your specific questions about the boundary line shift between Catawba and Lincoln Counties.

News Release

Frequently Asked Questions

Please note: This FAQ was created for properties shifting in whole or in part to Catawba County.

What happened to the boundary line between Catawba and Lincoln counties?
On February 2, 2025, the state-defined boundary line between Catawba and Lincoln counties will be re-established in accordance with a survey conducted by the North Carolina Geodetic Survey (NCGS).

What is a geodetic survey?
A geodetic survey is a land survey that determines the precise location of permanent points on the earth’s surface based on the size, shape and curvature of the earth. The North Carolina Geodetic Survey (NCGS), which is part of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety’s Emergency Management division, is the state agency responsible for identifying accurate boundary lines in accordance with state law (North Carolina General Statute 153A-18).

Why did the boundary line between Catawba and Lincoln counties change?
The boundary line between Catawba and Lincoln counties was established by the state in 1842. Over decades of parcel changes, the commonly recognized boundary between the two counties gradually shifted, cause discrepancies with the boundary's location and confusion among property owners. In early 2022, Lincoln County initiated discussions with Catawba County regarding the accuracy of the boundary line. Resultantly, both counties requested a boundary line survey from the North Carolina Geodetic Survey later that year.

Both counties received the official survey on February 2, 2024, which confirmed the state-established line. The counties had one year to adopt that line; North Carolina law provides that it becomes conclusive following that time frame. Upon receiving the survey, staff from both counties began the long process of collaboratively planning service transitions to minimize citizen impacts related to the re-established boundary.

Why wasn’t the boundary accurate?
In North Carolina, county boundaries were established using rudimentary surveying and maping processes based on natural features and landmarks. Over decades of parcel changes between counties, most county boundaries, including the line between Catawba and Lincoln counties, gradually shifted over time. Advances in technology have made it possible for the NCGS to survey and record county boundary lines with a high level of accuracy that assures long-term consistency. NCGS is currently surveying boundaries affecting several counties across the state.

How many properties are affected?
The re-established boundary affects just over 800 properties.

Will my municipal boundary change?
No. Municipal boundaries have not changed. For example, if your property is located within the municipal limits of the Town of Maiden, it will remain in the Town of Maiden regardless of the location of the county border.

If the boundary passess through someone's property, which county does it reside in?
If the boundary line passes through a parcel, the portion to the north of the boundary is considered Catawba County property and the portion to the south of the boundary is considered Lincoln County property. If the boundary line passes through a structure on a parcel, the structure is considered to reside in only one county (either Catawba County or Lincoln County) based on several factors including the location of the majority of the structure.

Can the re-established boundary line be appealed?
No. The boundary line has been restored to the location officially established by the State of North Carolina and cannot be appealed.


How will this impact my taxes?
For the 2025 tax year, property taxes will not be affected by the re-established boundary and you will continue paying property taxes to the same county where your property is currently assessed.

Beginning January 1, 2026, your property will be assessed by your re-established county of residence. If your parcel is split by the re-established boundary, it will be assessed by both counties based on the percentage of the property residing in each county. If the boundary line passes through your structure, it will be assessed by the county where it has been determined to reside.

Starting July 1, 2026, you will be billed for property taxes by your re-established county. The Catawba County property tax rate is $0.3985 per $100 of valuation, and the Lincoln County property tax rate is $0.499 per $100 of valuation.

For the 2025 tax year, you will continue to pay fire district taxes to the same district where your property is currently taxed. Planning is underway to update the fire district boundaries to reflect the re-established boundary line, with a goal of finalizing this work to go into effect July 1, 2026. More information will be forthcoming.


Where will my children go to public school?
Current students enrolled in Lincoln County Schools who are affected by the boundary-line shift between Catawba and Lincoln counties may choose to remain in Lincoln County Schools through their high school graduation. This includes students living in the impacted neighborhoods set to enroll in kindergarten next school year. These students also have the option to enroll in Catawba County Schools beginning with the 2025-2026 school year.


Where will I vote?
Your voting precinct is determined by your county of residence. Election precincts are currently being updated to reflect the re-established boundary line. If your precinct is changing, you will receive a mailing about your voting precinct and polling location from the Catawba County Board of Elections by the end of March 2025.


What will happen to my water and sewer service?
If you receive water and sewer service from Lincoln County, these services will continue. If your property is located in Catawba County following the re-established boundary line, rates will change. If you have questions, call the Lincoln County Collections Office at (704) 736-8497.


How will this affect my trash collection services?
Trash collection and recycling for homes shifting into Catawba County is provided by Republic Services. Catawba County franchises with Republic Services for exclusive trash collection and recycling, which allows Republic to offer a lower rate. If you are currently a Republic Services customer, the Catawba County franchise rate will be applied to your services. To sign up for trash collection and recycling from Republic Services, call 1-800-832-5439 by June 30, 2025. If you do not wish to receive trash collection or recycling services at your home, you may access any of Republic Services’ five Convenience Centers in Catawba County.


If I call 911, what happens to my call?
Your call will be received by the 911 communications center in your county of residence based on the re-established boundary line. Your call will be dispatched to emergency responders in your area without unnecessary delay.


How will the zoning of my property change?
If all or a portion of your property is shifting to Catawba County, it will be zoned to a Catawba County zoning classification. In most cases, an equivalent zoning will apply. Updated zoning maps for Catawba County are anticipated to be adopted within the next two months by the Board of Commissioners and will be applied to any new development on property located in Catawba County.

Where do I apply for building permits?
If your property is located entirely within Catawba County, you will apply for permits from the Catawba County Permit Office. If your property is split between Catawba and Lincoln counties, contact the permit office of the county where the portion of the property you are developing resides. If you have an existing permitted project, it will be completed by the same permitting office that issued the initial permit. The permit offices in Catawba and Lincoln counties will work together to ensure affected projects are properly permitted with minimal disruption.


How will this affect my real estate?
A notice of the affected properties and a plat depicting the boundary line will be recorded in both Register of Deeds offices. No action is required by the property owner.


Will my address change?
If your property resides in Catawba County due to the re-established boundary, the street address will not change.


County Boundary Information Phone Line: 828-465-9608
Property Maps (including acreage, dimensions, ownership): Catawba County Land Records Management, 828-465-8422 or 828-465-8424
Taxes: Catawba County Tax Office, 828-465-8436
Trash Collection: Catawba CountyUtilities & Engineering, 465-8217
Voting: Catawba County Board of Elections, 828-464-2424
Planning and Zoning: Catawba County Planning, 828-465-8380
Building Services, Permits, Inspections: Catawba County Permit Center, 828-465-8399
General Catawba County Services: 828-465-8200or
Schools: Catawba County Schools, 828-464-8333


Property Maps (including acreage, dimensions, ownership): Christine Anderson, GIS Administrator, 704-736-8542
Taxes: Susan Sain, Tax Administrator, 704-736-8542
Solid Waste: Lincoln County Solid Waste, 704-732-9030
Voting: Lincoln County Board of Elections, 704-736-8480
Water & Sewer: Andrew Bryant, Development Services Director, 704-666-6969
Planning and Zoning: Andrew Bryant, Development Services Director, 704-666-6969
Building Services, Permits, Inspections: Jeff Wesdyk, Chief Building Official, 704-736-8436
General Lincoln County Services: 704-736-8471 or
Schools: Eric Eaker, Chief Operations Officer, Lincoln County Schools, 704-736-1017 ext. 30215