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Developing Components

LandfillThe Bio-Solids Processing (Sludge Drying) Facility will replace the existing Regional Sludge Management Facility located in the Fairgrove Business Park. The new facility will have the capacity to serve the wastewater sludge management needs of Catawba County and the Unifour region for approximately twenty years.
The EcoComplex has been composting yard waste with scrap wood from the C&D Landfill for years, and the plan to expand and increase production is in the near future. The project consist of taking food waste and grease (grease traps) from restaurants as additional feedstocks in the new composting facility. Some collection restructuring at the municipal level will have to take place in order to accommodate those feedstocks collections.
The new Multi-Feedstock Anaerobic Digester Facility will provide food processor(s) and local farmers with an alternative bio-waste management option. The proposed system barters livestock feed and/or environmentally safe soil amendment from the County’s EcoComplex to farmers in exchange for their manure and other bio-wastes and provides an economical and better environmental solution for local food processing facilities. Digester biogas will be used to produce electricity and heat through the operation of GE-Jenbacher Generator sets.

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