The History of THE KILLIAN FAMILY in North Carolina
Association of descendants of pioneer Andreas Killian
Organized Salem Church, Lincoln County, August 22, 1935
in 1935
F. Carpenter, President, Maiden, N. C.
Yates Killian, Secretary and Historian, Newton, N. C.
L. Hefner, Vice President, Hickory, N. C.
L. Hefner, President, Hickory, N. C.
C. Killian, Vice President, Gastonia, N. C.
Yates Killian, Historian, Newton, N. C.
Gladys Cline, Secretary and Treasurer, Hildebran, N. C.
in 1955
C. Carpenter, President, RFD #2, Lincolnton, N. C.
D. Killian, Vice President, RFD #2, Lincolnton, N. C.
P. W. Whitener, Secretary and Treasurer, RFD #2, Lincolnton, N. C.
late Rev. Julius H. Shuford makes the following statement relative to the
Killian family: “The Killians are an ancient family and can be traced back
to the year 1537. During the time when Martin Luther undertook the Reformation
of the Church in Germany, there was one John Killian, a licentiate (one
licensed to preach or practice a profession) in the Eufort College, who took a
very active part in that great movement and made himself very conspicuous in
the eyes of Luther’s enemies.” It is therefore about 4OO years since the
name Killian first appeared in History.
next time we hear of this name was in America. Rupp’s list of 30,000 immigrants
shows that on October 4, 1732 Andreas (Andrew) Killian, a native of the
Rhenish Palatinate, landed in Philadelphia on the British ship
“Adventure.” He must have been a person above average in education as he
signed his name to the declaration of allegiance to the Colonial Government,
while many of his fellow-passengers could only make their mark. By comparing
his signature on a photo static copy of the page on which he signed his name
and the signature on a will made by an Andrew Killian (see files of old wills
in Clerk’s office in Lincolnton, N. C.) Sept. 22, l785, we find that these
signatures were made by one and the same man.
Therefore there can be no doubt that the Andreas Killian who arrived in
Philadelphia in 1732 was the pioneer Andrew Killian who arrived to settle on
the south side of the Catawba River in 1749.
This Andrew Killian was a married man with a family when he came to
America, but we do not know what his wife’s name was or whether she was
living at that time. We know, however, that he had at least three children when he
came to America: Margaret, the
eldest child, born about 1721; Leonard, born May 15, 1723; and John, a few
years younger. There were other children in the family at this time, or born
soon after Andrew’s arrival in America, as you will find their names given
later in this sketch as taken from his will probated in 1788.
is not known how long Andrew Killian remained in Pennsy1vania after he
arrived, or when he came into N, C., but Volume 4 of the Colonial Records show
that at the regular Colonial Council held at New Bern April 13, 1749, in the
petition for land in Anson County, Andrew Killian and his two sons, Leonard
and John, were “granted” 1000 acres each. William Sherrill, also of Anson
had been granted 400 acres on April 5, 1749. On September 29, 1749, William
Sherrill and Abington Sherrill were granted 600 and 400 acres respectively.
Then on September 30, 1749, Andrew, Leonard, and John Killian, and
William and Abington Sherrill were granted large tracts of land.
About all of the above named land grants can be found in the Land Grant
Office at Raleigh. In 1750,
grants for land were issued to Henry Weidner, Daniel Warlick, Peter Broyl
(supposed to be Peter Hoyle), John Batey, the Sherrils, and Leonard Killian; but the petition
from George Hager was delayed until the next Council. These grants, relative to the Killians read “on the south
side of the Catawba River.” The Killian grants after 1749 read “On
Killian’s Creek”, some of which grants date 1750-54.
It is not known where pioneer Andrew Killian and his family were prior
to the time they received their grants in 1749. However, they were somewhere
in N. C. in 1747, as both Leonard and John Killian enlisted for service with
the Colonial forces at the time of the Spanish alarm of l747-48 (see Colonial
Records). The tracts of land that these three Killians entered from l749-54
were in that part of Anson County, which is now Lincoln County, near
Beatty’s, Ford on the Catawba River. The Killian’s Creek mentioned was
named after this family; for on this stream pioneer Andrew Killian built his
home where he remained until the latter half of the year 1754. At that time
the Cherokee Indians began hostilities against the white settlers of that
section, and had some fighting with the Forneys. Then he (Andrew Killian)
moved across the Catawba River into Rowan County.
Nothing is known of the whereabouts of this Killian family from 1754 to
1766, but in 1766 Andrew and John were residents of Rowan County.
June 22, 1766 Andrew Killian and his son, John, bought several hundred acres
of land on both sides of Clark’s Creek, west of St. Paul Church in what is
now Catawba County, above and below what is known as the Bollinger Ford.
Killian sold his land on Killian’s Creek, probably to the Forneys, in the
year 1765 - the deed signed by Andrew Killian, Sr., and Andrew Killian, Jr.
but we find no record that he ever moved back from Rowan to this former tract
of land. It is very probable that he moved direct from the east side of the
Catawba to his Clark’s Creek purchase soon after he bought this from Mathias
Beaver. He lived somewhere near the Creek on the land that the late Samuel E.
Killian of Hickory owned, on the old Lincoln-Hickory road, the Crowder town
Road, near the once promising town of Crowder’s.
Andrew Killian in all probability was married twice.
It appears that Daniel and Samuel were the sons of his second marriage,
as he in his will made provision that these two sons were to provide amply for
his wife, whose name was Mary. It is supposed that she was a Miss Cline, as we
found that Samuel sometimes signed his name Samuel C. Killian. The old pioneer
also divided all his land equally between these two sons. The supposition is
that he had given other consideration to the other children, no doubt before
he bought this Clark’s Creek land.
were twelve children in this family: six boys and six girls. Andrew
Killian’s will was made Sept. 2, 1785 (see files of old deeds Lincoln
Courthouse), and probated in 1788. In
this will, he names the following children: Margaret, who married Michael
Price; Leonard; John; Jean, who married William
Lewin; Crate Hager; Andrew; George; Brina,
who married James Pritchett; Daniel; Samuel; Catrina,
who married John Barringer; and Elizabeth, who married Michael
I am led to believe after studying the
records from various angles, that Daniel and Samuel were the only sons of the
supposed second marriage, since he gave all his land to these sons. I further
believe that his daughter, Margaret, was his oldest child as he names her
first in his will. Also he seems to have named his children consecutively, as
we know that Leonard was his oldest son, and John next, these two having been
born early in the 1720’s.
Andrew Killian, Sr. was buried is not known, but it seems probable that he was
buried at St. Paul’s Church, one mile west of Newton. In the oldest part of
this cemetery, we find the grave of his oldest son, Leonard, who died in 1795.
Also we find other stones erected to Killians, and many stones
unmarked. Andrew, Sr., if a member of any protestant church, belonged to the
Lutheran denomination and held his membership at St. Paul’s, then called
South Fork. Andrew very probably
was one of the first members of this congregation.
KILLIAN First Child
Killian, who married Michael Price, appears to have been the oldest child of
pioneer Andrew Killian, as he mentions her first in his will, and we note that
he names some of the other children in the order in which they were born.
Therefore, Margaret, named first was his oldest child. It is supposed that
Margaret was born about the year 1721, and was about 11 years old when the
family moved to America.
(Page 2)
Killian was the second child and the oldest son of Andrew Killian.
He was born May 15, 1723, and was 9 years old when the family moved to
America. Then in the year 1749, we find that he was awarded his first grant of
land as follows:
County, April 13, 1749 - 1000 Acres of land on the south side of the Catawba
Killian and his family never moved to the Clark’s Creek section near St.
Paul’s Church. His wife’s
name was Mary Margaret, but no record is found as to what her maiden name was.
Leonard owned one slave in the year 1790, and is the only one of the
Killians of this line who owned a slave.
Leonard seems to have been a man of considerable means, since he had a
slave, and has a stone erected at his grave in the cemetery at old St.
Paul’s Church. He died May 15,
1795. Why he is buried at St.
Paul’s when he lived some 4O miles away can be explained by the fact that
his ancestors were buried there. This was the Killian burial ground.
Mathias was named by his mother as executor of her estate it would seem that
Mathias Killian was the oldest child of the Leonard Killian family, or else
the favorite. It is not known
whom Mathias married, nor when, but he had a family of three sons under 16
years of age and four females in the year 1790. Probably Mathias married about
1774 when his father deeded him the 270 A. of land.
We find nothing is mentioned anywhere about the other children, except
William who is supposed to be the William Killian who married Mary Goodwin,
August 28, 1788, witnessed by Robert Killian.
William Killian, son of Leonard, a1ways spelled his name “Killen”.
A Robert “Killen” and this William “Killen” were married one year
apart. Both spelled the name “Killen.” William was married to Mary Goodwin
Aug. 28, 1788, with Robert “Killen” as bondsman, and Robert was married to
Betsy McCorey March 10, 1789. This leads us to believe that Robert
“Killen” was a son of Leonard Killian.
became of Leonard Killian’s children and how many did he have?
1808 one Ballentine Killian of Lincoln County, N. C. went to Davis County,
Indiana. He wrote back to his
relatives in North Carolina in such glowing terms of the fertile soil of
Indiana that Mathias Adam, Frederick William and probably David Killian by the
year 1818 had all moved to Davis County, Indiana.
Killian died in 1821-22, and settlement of his estate was begun in 1822 and
closed in 1825. His heirs were Aaron, David, Mathias, Eli H. and Moses E.
The administrators were Charles Joler and Gabriel Killian.
Killian’s estate was inventoried in 1830, filed April 1, 1831. His heirs
were Jacob, William, David, Anthony, Kindle, and Elizabeth.
Wi1liam and David Killian were the administrators.
estate of Frederick Killian was settled in 1859. His heirs were: Christine who
married A. B. Robertson, Alexander B. David, Frederick, Jr., Daniel, Mary
Wamples, a daughter, Martha Ann Myers, a daughter, and Sara Jane.
of the Mathias Killian’s estate was settled in 1877.
He was a son of Adam or Mathias but do not know which.
John R. Killian’s estate was settled in 1857.
He was a son of Frederick.
this Killian family there was a William who was born in 1789 in Lincoln
County, N.C. He married Dicey
Ballard in Lincoln County, N. C. in l814. They had children when they moved to
Indiana. It appears that this William was the oldest child of the William
Killian who married Mary Goodwin in Lincoln County, N.C. August 28, 1788, with
Robert Killian as witness. This
Robert Killian appears to have been one of Leonard’s sons as mentioned
and Dicey Ballard Killian’s children were: James, David, Eva, Sal1ie,
William, Jr., Elizabeth, Alexander, Frank, Alfred and Wiley.
As one of their sons was named Wiley, it is logical to state that Dicey
Ballard was a sister or daughter of Wiley Ballard of Lincoln County whose name
we find in the County records. Wiley Ballard is listed in the Military Census
of 1790 as living in Lincoln County, N. C., Morgan’s District, 10th Company.
H.G. Groom of Brownsville, Texas, who furnished the above record, writes that
the Killians were very prolific, judging from the great number of Killians in
County, Indiana.
There is an old German Bible in the family thought to be 200 years old but which cannot be located now. It is supposed to have a family record. I hope to get more information soon.
John Kil1ian, the son of pioneer Andrew Killian, was born about the year 1725-26, and was about 7 years old when the family came to America. He received a grant for a 1000—acre tract of land on Killian’s Creek April 13, l749. It is reasonable to believe that the entire Killian family was living on this Creek some time before they took out grants, since the Creek was called “Killian’s Creek” in their entries.
John, with his father, moved east of the Catawba River in 1754. We know nothing more of him until June 26, 1766, when he bought of Mathias Beaver and wife, Susanna, of Mecklenburg County 200-acres on both sides of Clark’s Creek, in Rowan County, adjoining Bostian Cline, above his father Andrew’s tract of 293—acres. This land of John Killian’s is the Bollinger land on both sides of Clark’s Creek, below and above the Bollinger Ford or Bridge, on the road leading from St. Paul’s Church toward Hickory.
just what year John Killian was married we do not know.
He married the widow Mrs. Elizabeth Zimmerman (Carpenter), who had one
child Michael - by her first husband.
John and Elizabeth Killian had four sons and four daughters. John made a will about 1795, willing all his property to his wife Elizabeth. She made her will on March 1802, and mentions - besides her son Michael Zimmerman - the following children: A son-in-law David Smith, Jacob, Marellis (Murrillo), who married Jacob a Yount, John Philip, Mary (Suttlemyre), Abraham, Sarah - married Jacob Deitz.
is known about Michael Zimmerman (Carpenter) except that he and his
half-brother, Philip Ki11ian, had some real estate transactions in 1798.
is known about Davis Smith or his children, if any.
was born about the year 1760. He was received into the Lutheran Church - South
Fork, later named St. Paul’s by Rev. Godfrey Arndt, August 6, 1776. Jacob
married Rebecca Cresamore, daughter of Jacob and Catherine Cresamore of the
Salem Church neighborhood, in Lincoln County, N.C.
Killian deeded 3-acres in 1815 to Sa1em Church. This “Meeting-house, schoolhouse
and burial ground” had been there before.
Jacob was the ancestor of the Killian families in the Salem
neighborhood. Jacob and Rebecca
Cresamore Killian’s children are as follows:
Henry, Jacob, Catherine, Elizabeth, John, Andrew, Sarah, Mary, Susan
and Daniel. A sketch of the lives
of these children, briefly given, follows.
HENRY was born May 8, 1787, and died July 26, 1850. In 1809 he was married to Mary Polly Rudisill, who was born July 10, 1793, and died April 28, 1839. She was killed instantly when struck by a falling limb from a large tree under which she was walking at the time. With her was the wife of Rev. Adam Miller, and both were on their way to Salem Church for services. Henry Killian married again in 1842, to Mrs. Judith Clay, who had been a Miss Lentz.
was born July 6, 1789, and died January 17, 1860.
His wife was a Miss Carpenter. They had several children.
was born about 1791, and died in
1862. She married Leon Bollinger, born in 1785, and died in October 1851. They
lived on Clark’s Creek on the old John Killian farm at Bollinger’s Ford.
They had several children, one of whom, Joseph, married a daughter of Michael
Cline, Jr.
ELIZABETH was born December 15, 1793, and died July 12, 1837. She married Absolom Brown, born April 1, 1792 and died October 11, 1875. They had a large family of children. Their son, William, fought in the Civil War, dying in a hospital in Petersburg, Va., July 8, 1863. He was a Corporal of Company B, 12th Regiment of South Carolina, Volunteers.
was born June 23, 1796, and died March 18, 1884.
In 1818 he married Elizabeth Brown, born in November 1797, died January
6, 1864. His second wife was a
Miss Wingate. They had several
children. One son, Jesse W., was
sheriff of Catawba County for four
Jesse’s wife was a Miss Halsel, daughter of Rev. A. J. Fox. Jesse’s children were Virgie, Henrietta, Avery, Annie and
was born Nov. 6, 1800, and died Dec. 20, 1861.
He was married but nothing further is known of his family.
was born Feb. 14, 1803, and died Dec. 4, 1876. She married David Seagle, and
they had several children. One
son, Abel J., married Bettie Finger, and lived near Salem Church at the old
Killian home.
married Henry Finger, and to them severa1 children were born.
A daughter, Bettie, married Abel J. Seagle, who was her first cousin.
was born Feb. 5, 1808, died April 13, 1881. She married Wm. McCaslin, born
Jan. 1, 1808, died Jan. 3, 1887. They had several children. One son, Henry F.,
married Sally Lohr, and lived on Clark’s Creek at the old home.
was probably the youngest of Jacob and Rebecca Kil1ian’s children. He
married a Miss Moore of Burke County and went to Georgia.
He died in 1908. He was the grandfather of T.D. Killian.
(Murrillo) Killian, the 3rd chi1d of John and Elizabeth Killian, married Jacob
A. Yount in about 1782. This Yount family moved to California among the
earliest settlers there. In 1781,
Jacob Yount served under General Greene. After the enemy evacuated Charleston,
General Greene’s army was disbanded. When
Jacob Yount returned to his home he found it in ruins.
The Tories had burned his buildings and driven his cattle away.
He then moved to Burke County near the Catawba River and built a mill
on Dowden Creek. In 1804 the family moved to Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
and Marellis Yount had eleven children. Jacob, Jr., was the third and George
Calvert the sixth. Jacob, Jr., fought in the war of 1812, and helped Daniel
Boone construct Fort Boone, KY.
4, 1804, he married Charity Murray in Christian County, Kentucky, and he was
drowned in the Stillwater, near Patton, Missouri, on e1ection day 1858.
Burnette Yount was the seventh child of Jacob and Christy Yount.
He was born May 2, 1813, in Cape Girardeau, Mo.
In 1841 he married Larenia Ellen Clarke.
He was chief engineer and ran on the Mississippi River. In 1850 he came
to Ca1ifornia and spent a short time with his Uncle, George C. Yount, in Hopa
Valley. He then returned and brought his family to California via Panama. He
ran a general merchandise store in the mines in Placer County. Here, in 1853 my mother, Hattie Emma, was born.
She was rocked in a gold rocker. When she was five years old, her
father was killed by an ex-convict whom he had befriended. My grandmother
remarried Samuel McMahan - helped raise the four Yount children, and gave them
every advantage. My mother
graduated from Mil1’s Seminary and was an accomplished musician.
She married George A. Lamont, an attorney-at-law. They had two
children, Ellen Cameron and Donald Yount, who is an attorney-at-law in San
C. Yount, the Uncle of John B. came to California in l83l. He owned a large
ranch in Hopa Valley. He came
with a party of trappers and for some time hunted beaver and sea otter in
Ca1ifornia. He was beloved by the early Californians, and is one of the
colorful figures of our western history.
Killian, Jr., married Susan Fry, a daughter of Nicholas Fry, and moved to
Tennessee with all of their family except So1omon and David.
Solomon, (son of John Killian, Jr., and Susan Fry Killian) married
Catherine Benfield, daughter of Pioneer John Benfield and sister of John Jr.,
Daniel and Henry Benfield. (John Benfield married a daughter, possibly of
Pioneer Adam Bolick.) David, son of John, Jr., and Susan Fry Kil1ian, married
Polly Eikerd in 1817. Polly died
at the birth of her second child. Then,
in 1828, David married Rachel Miller, formerly Rachel Whitener who had married
Caleb Miller in 1819. Rache1 was a daughter of Daniel Whitener (son of Pioneer
Henry Weidner) who had married Mary, the oldest child (daughter of George
Wilfong.) Mary was a sister of Catherine who married Jacob C1ine, son of
pioneer Bostian Cline. David then
sold out, and later moved to Georgia with his family.
son of John Sr. and E1izabeth Z. Killian, seems to have disappeared after
selling two tracts to Michael Zimmerman.
He entered 100 acres on Shoal Creek in 1798, 100 on same creek in 1800,
50 acres on Henry River in 1799, and 135 (adjoining Andrew
Killian) in the year 1787, all in Lincoln County.
daughter of John Sr. and Elizabeth Z. Killian, first married John Jonas, son
of Simon Jonas. They had one child, known as “Little John Jonas.”
Little John Jonas, when grown, sold his estate in the Crowder town
section and moved to Indian Creek vicinity, in what is now Lincoln County.
He owned a fine horse, and his descendants were known as lovers of good
horses, and owned them. He married Franie (Euphrania) Lohr, and they were the
parents of all the Jonas family in this section of the State. (See History of
Jonas family.) Mary married the second time Jacob Fye (Fei, Fie), on Sept. 20,
1791. Her brother Abraham was
bondsman and Joseph Steel magistrate. Jacob
Fye came direct from Germany, and spoke and wrote the German language only.
He was a saddler by trade, and ran a saddle shop at Crowdertown.
He bought a tract of land near this town.
He and Mary had three children, namely: Jacob, Abraham and Catherine. Jacob, the son, a hatter by trade, married Elizabeth Lutz.
Their children were Jacob, Jr., (unmarried), Abel, (unmarried; died in
the Mexican War,) and Jonas, who married Sarah Hawn.
Jonas’ and Sarah’s only child was Pinkney, who married a Miss Bost.
They were the parents of the Fye family at Startown. Jacob and Mary Killian Fye’s son Abraham sold his part of
the estate, due to indebtedness to his brother Jacob about 1818.
Jacob and Mary Killian Fye’s daughter Catherine married David Nail
(or Neil) in 1819. In 1820 they sold their third of Jacob Fye’s estate which
they heired to John Wilfong. Nothing
more is known of them.
Killian Fye was married a third time, this time to Martin Settlemyre in 1801.
They had the following children: GEORGE, married Hannah Hahn in 1834;
HENRY, married Sarah Whitener, sister of Hiram Whitener in 1835; PAUL, married
C1arissa Smith in 1842; KATIE, married Knog1e; ELIZABETH (Betsy), married Eli
Sigmon in 1824; POLLY, who married David Wilson August 27, 1822 by Mic Cline,
Fred Killian, bondsman.
George Settlemyre mentioned above was Sid Killian’s mother’s father.
Sid’s grandfather on his father’s side was Simon Killian, who
married Mary (Polly) Davis in 1832. She
had come here from Scotland. Simon
Killian was a son of Abraham.
son of John Sr. and Elizabeth Z. Killian, married a Miss Hildebran, a sister
of Maj. S. M. Finger’s and Mrs. Dallas Rowe’s father’s mother.
Abraham had three sons and three daughters.
His son Simon was Sid Killian’s grandfather. (See above paragraph.)
We know nothing about Abraham’s other two sons.
His daughter Jude married Archibald Puntch January 29, 1818, Abraham
Killian, bondsman.
daughter Sallie married Thomas Puntch, brother of Archibald, October 2, 1818,
Archibald Puntch, bondsman.
daughter Elizabeth married John Herman, a son of Peter Herman.
Peter’s parents were Wm. Herman and Mary Motes (Motz) who came to
America in 1765 settled in Reading, Pennsylvania, but moved to North Carolina
in 1706.
two Puntchs’ father entered a large tract of land on Cline’s Creek.
Their descendants are living near Fair Grove Church.
daughter of John Sr. and Elizabeth Z. Killian, married Jacob Deitz. Their
daughter Christiana, sometime between 1820 and 1822, married David Killian
(his second wife), Ephraim Killian’s father. David was the third child of
Samuel and Barbara Hager Killian. David’s first wife was Catherine, a daughter of Jacob and
Elizabeth Wilfong Cline. David
sold out in 1834 and went to Georgia. Elizabeth, another daughter of Jacob
Deitz, married a Solomon Deitz. Jacob
and Sarah Killian Deitz’ two sons were Israel and Lochford.
One of four brothers of Jacob Deitz coning here from Pennsylvania, one
by one, Solomon Deitz, Solomon Deits, married Elizabeth Huffman April 26,
1797, and his second wife was E1izabeth Deitz, daughter of Jacob and Sarah
Deitz, March 31, 1816, sister of Christiana, who married David Killian.
the 4th child of pioneer Andrew Killian, was probably born about 1727-28.
She married Wil1iam Lewin (Lawing).
The Lawings and the Hagers were early settlers in the Beatty’s Ford
section, and were close neighbors, for the times, to the killians. The Lawing family name appears in the early history of the
Hager family written by A. Nixon, Esq. Wil1iam Lawing is supposed to have been
a close relative to Simon Hager’s first wife - probably
her father or older brother.
John A. Lawing of Charlotte, N. C. gives me much history of the Lewing or
Lawings, and in all probability this William and Jean Lawing (Lewin) were his
oldest son was named Andrew, which sounds like he was named after pioneer
Andrew Killian. This Andrew
Lawing married, first Obedience (Biddey) Bradshaw, and the second marriage was
to Elizabeth Philips in 1913 in Lincoln County.
Lawing had seven sons and two daughters.
The Military Census of 1790 gives a Wm. Lawing with a family of three
men, 16 years of age and upward, one under 16 and five females.
Census also gives an Andrew Lawing with one male 16 years and up and four
females. It appears that Joseph,
John, Andrew Jr., and Samue1 were sons of Andrew Lawing.
Joseph Lawing married Mary Moore in 1840, Lincoln County. Their son,
Gidson Alex Lawing, married Mary Jane Vance (both born in 1848) in 1866, and
their son, John T.A. Lawing, my informant of the Lawing family, was first
married to Li1lie L. Ramsay of Burke County in 1893 and had eight children - 6
boys and 2 girls. John T. A.
Lawing married the second time in 1913 - Myra Goodman of China Grove and they
have three boys and four girls.
and Biddy Bradshaw Lawing’s son John was born in 1790, and was a soldier in
the war of 1812, as also his brother Andrew Jr., born in 1793 was a war of
1812 soldier-both were enlisted from Mecklenburg County.
John had three sons (John died before 1844 when his mother, Biddey,
wife of Andrew Lawing 1st, made her will - she died in 1846): ANDREW K.; JOHN
JOHNSON (born 1814); James J. John’s wife was Nancy Johnson.
After her husband John Lawing died, she married a Scott.
John Johnson Lawing moved to Middle Tennessee and married.
is thought that Wi11iam Lawing and Jean Killian were married around 1745-55 as
Andrew, their son, was born in 1765, died in 1825 and was buried at Hopewell
Presbyterian Church, 11 miles north of Charlotte, N. C.
Lawing the 1st had a son named Andrew. Andrew
Lawing Senior’s son, Samuel, was the father of Dr. John M. Lawing, who was a
druggist in Lincolnton from 1866 to 1894.
He was a surgeon in the Civil War.
the 5th child of pioneer Andrew Killian, was born about 1730-32.
She married a Hager, who was dead at the time pioneer Andrew Killian
made his will. It is supposed
that this was George Hager, a brother of pioneer Wi11iam Hager.
George Hager on August 30, 1753, was granted 395 acres of land “on
the east side of Killian’s Creek” four years after the Killians entered
their first tracts of land, and his land adjoined the Killians'.
Ki1lian, Jr., the 6th chi1d of pioneer Andrew Killian was born about 1735-36.
He probably was the youngest child of the first marriage of Andrew
Killian, Sr.
Jr., seems to have been a favorite of his father.
They owned land together on Killian Creek, and both signed a deed,
together conveying the property to other parties in the year 1765. Also
pioneer Andrew Killian names the two sons of “my son Andrew” (Viz: Andrew
and Danie1) in his will, and did not mention any of his other grandchildren.
(See pioneer Andrew Killian’s will.)
We find no records, grants, or deeds anywhere that indicate that Andrew
Killian Jr. ever moved back to the south side of the Catawba River after the
family moved to the east side of this river
in 1754. However, there is one evidence that might indicate this Andrew
Ki1lian, Jr. owned a tract of land on the west side of the Catawba River.
Register of Deeds, Lincoln County, Book 3, Page 465: Andrew Killian
bought of James Bryson on Koener’s Creek 166 acres of land in January, 1789.
Pioneer Andrew Killian was dead at this time, and there was no other Andrew
Killian living at that time except Andrew Jr. and Andrew 3rd who was only 18
years old. In 1925 James Killian,
formerly of Haywood County, N. C., then in Little Rock, Ark., wrote me a
letter stating that his grandfather was Daniel Killian and that his
great-grandfather, Andrew Killian,
Jr., settled in Iredell County, N. C., and was twice married.
As far as is known, Andrew
Ki1lian, Jr., had but one child by his first marriage, a daughter, Fannie, who
was born in 1764 and married Michael Cline in l765. They had two
sons, Michae1, Jr., born in 1797, and Henry.
Michae1, Jr., married a daughter of Elias Bost.
They were the parents of late Michael C1ine, father of
the late Judge E.B. Cline. The exact date of the death of Andrew’s first wife is not
known. He married the second time about
the year 1770. From Court
Records, we find that Andrew, Jr.’s second wife was a daughter of Simon
Jonas, a sister of John Jonas. She
was Mariah
Jonas, who first had married William Whittenburg.
Simon Jonas, prior to 1762 lived in Rowan County, east of Catawba River
and maybe was a neighbor of the Killians there.
On August 26, 1762 he received a grant for 693 acres on the South Side
of Lyle’s Creek and both sides of Mull’s Creek.
Simon Jonas came to America (Phila.) on September 3, 1742, age 22
years, on the ship “Royal Judith”.
his second marriage, Andrew Jr. had three children, Viz: Andrew the 3rd,
Daniel (pioneer Andrew Killian mentioned these two “sons of my son Andrew”
and gives them each l/l4th of his undivided property), and Mollie (Mary)
supposed to have been born about l774.
reason for stating that Andrew Kil1ian Jr. was married a second time and
married a daughter of Simon Jonas is that in the settlement of John Jonas’
estate (Simon’s son) Andrew Killian the 3rd and his brother Daniel and
sister Molly shared in the division of John Jonas’, deceased, real estate,
in the year 1798, with the two Wittenburg children, William Jr. and John, sons
of Mariah Barbara Jonas Killian by her first husband, William Whittenburg,
Sr., and signed their rights away to each other on certain tracts of land (See
Deeds Office, Lincolnton, N. C.) Andrew Killian Jr.’s daughter Fannie
Killian Cline does not appear as an heir. Therefore, the three above named Killian children and Fannie
K. Cline did not have the same mother. This
second marriage is corroborated by the statement of James Killian in that his
great-grandfather was married twice and lived in Iredell County. It is not
known just where Andrew Killian, Jr., lived, where he died and was buried.
He was still living in 1785 when his father made his last will and was
living in 1788 when the will was probated. However, there is reason to be1ieve
that Andrew Killian, Jr., went to Buncombe County when that County was formed
in 1791 and entered land there.
January 10, 1791, a certain Andrew Killian entered 200 - acres of land on the
waters of Pigeion River in Buncombe County.
Also, Andrew Killian in 1794 and 1797 entered land in Buncombe County.
This very probably was Andrew Killian, Jr.
Andrew Killian 3rd would have been only 20 years old, and not likely to
have entered this land. Then it
must have been Andrew Killian, Jr., half—brother of Daniel Killian who
entered land on Beaver Dam Creek about the same date that this Andrew did.
(See history of Daniel Killian, Sr.)
Killian 3rd was born on April 7, 1771, and married Mary Ann Sloop of Iredell
County. There is no record as to
when he moved to the south side of the Catawba River, probably soon after he
heired some of the Jonas estate in 1798 - no doubt about the year 1800.
His brother Daniel and sister Mary appear to have been living south of
the Catawba River also in 1801. In
the Court House at Wilkesboro Book C-1, page 267-268—269, “in the year
1801 Andrew, Daniel and Mary (Mollie) Killian of Lincoln County, and John and
Henry Wittenbourgh, Administrators of the estate of William Whittenburg made a
covenant of a tract of land on Beaver Pond Branch.”
June 2, 1801, Andrew the 3rd bought land of the Barnett Sigmon heirs – 145 -
acres and 44-acres formerly granted to George Davison.
These tracts are the Andrew Killian Mill Place on Mill Creek, south
side of Lyles Creek, near St. John’s Church.
It is not known who built the mill on this land, very likely Davison or
the Sigmons - later known as the Rowe Mill.
October 4, 1803, Daniel Killian of Buncombe County, N. C., conveyed to his
brother, Andrew, his part of the 136 - acres that they had heired from the
John Jonas estate and conveyed to them by their sister Mollie (Mary) and
William Whittenburg, Jr. This
might have been an exchange of land between Andrew Killian 3rd and his brother
Daniel, Daniel getting his brother’s part of the Buncombe tract on
Jonathan’s Creek for his part of the Lincoln County tract.
We find no other records relative Mollie
Killian except those pertaining to the settlement of the Jonas estate. What
became of Mollie, where she lived and died and where she was buried we have no
disposed of his last holding In Iredell County, on August 7, 1815.
(See Book II, page 563, Iredell Court House.)
l861 when Noah Rowe overhauled the mill, Franklin Killian was the millwright
who did the work. The two Andrew
Killians were also millwrights.
Killian 3rd died in November 1828, and was buried at St. John’s Church, aged
58 years. His wife, Mary Ann Sloop of Rowan County (now Iredell) was born in
1773 and died June 28, 1833, aged 60 years.
She was buried by the side of her husband, about the middle of the
cemetery at St. John’s Church.
their oldest child was born September 27, 1804, and died August 28, 1835, aged
31 years, and is buried beside her mother; in 1820 Sallie married Jacob
Hunsucker, second son of pioneer Johannes T. Hunsucker.
the second daughter of Andrew and Mary Ann Sloop Killian, married in 1825 John
Hoke, son of Frederick Hoke. (Frederick Hoke was the presiding officer of the
County Court March 13, 1843 when Catawba County was organized at Mathias
the youngest child of Andrew and Mary Ann Killian, married a Miss Virginia
Peacock. They lived in Newton in
1860, but sold their property in town in 1871.
This property adjoined the Lutheran Church.
Nothing is known of their whereabouts after that.
Killian, son of Andrew Killian, II, was born in Rowan County, later Iredell,
in 1777, and died in Haywood County, December 20, 1852, aged 75 years, 8
months and 33 days. Mary
Watts, wife of Daniel Ki11ian was born in 1772 and died in Haywood County,
August 21, 1855, aged 83 years. Daniel and Mary Watts Killian were buried in Jonathan’s
Creek Cemetery, Haywood County.
and Mary Watts Killian’s children were James, Miles John, Eliza, Lucy and
Mary. James married Jane Louise
Clayton, close relative of Dr. Ephraim Brevard, author of the Mecklenburg
Declaration of Independence, and settled in Transylvania County, now Buncombe
County. Their son James was in
Little Rock, Arkansas in 1925. This
James Killian, Jr. states that his grandfather Daniel married Mary Watts.
He also states that his great-grandfather, Andrew Killian, Jr., settled
in what is now Iredell County, N.C., and was twice married.
further history of Daniel Killian, see historical sketch given by the Killians
living in Haywood County. It
appears that the three Killian children, viz.: Andrew 3rd, Daniel and Mollie
heired all of the property of their mother’s relatives - Simon and John
Jonas. It appears that John and
William Whittenburg (Mariah Jonas Whittenburg’s children by Whittenburg) had
no heirs and that Andrew Killian 3rd received from Mariah Whittenburg Killian,
his mother, all her estate for caring for her in her later years.
It looks like finally these three Killian children, grandchildren of
Simon Jonas heired about all of the Simon and John Jonas estates.
the 7th child of Pioneer Andrew Killian, is supposed to have been born between
1737-40. Very little is known of
him. His father mentions him in
his will. Just where this George
lived is not fully known. He
received a grant of 300—acres of land “on both sides of Hunting Creek”,
Burke County, (There is also a
“Hunting Creek” in Iredell and in Rowan Counties) on January 30, 1773.
See Grant Office, Raleigh, N. C., Book 22, page 416.
No other records are found re1ative to this George except his
father’s will in 1785, until Feb. 9, 1807 (R.D. Book 25, page 556,
Salisbury, N. C.) George Killian
of the County of Stokes conveyed to Jacob Rochrock, Jr. of Rowan County,
116—acres on Lick Creek, Muddy Creek for $116.00.
It is very probable that the date of this purchase of George Killian in
Stokes County could be found at Danbury, as Stokes was formed from Surry in
October 9, 1809, George Killian bought a tract of land on Abbott’s Creek,
Rowan County (see R.D. Book 27,
page 7. Salisbury, N. C.): 300 -
acres for $100.00. In 1819, a
Robert Killian sold seven acres for $200 on Rich Fork of Abbott’s Creek,
beginning at a stake in Killian’s line, thence with Killian’s line, etc.
It is thought that this Robert Killian was a son of George Killian and
that he heired this land from his father.
The Henry and Shadrack Killians of Wi1kes County mentioned in the 1790
census are supposed to have been George Killian’s sons.
Wilkes County was a part of Rowan County until 1770 when Surry County
was formed and from Surry County Wilkes was formed in l777.
No further records can be found relative to GEORGE KILLIAN, 7th son of
Pioneer Andrew Killian.
the 8th child of Pioneer Andrew Killian, married James Pritchett. Nothing is known of them.
the 9th child of Pioneer Andrew Killian, is supposed to have been the oldest
child of the pioneer’s second marriage, as is evidenced by the consecutive
listing of the children in his will. Mary
was either a daughter of Matthew and Susanna Beaver or a Miss Cline.
I give preference to the latter, as Samuel the full brother of Daniel
signed his name as Samuel C. in witnessing some legal papers. Daniel was
born about 1757-59. He received by
his father’s will, made September 2, 1785 (probated in 1788) one-half of his
father’s real estate of 293—acres lying on both sides of Clark’s Creek,
three miles west of the present town of Newton, and one-seventh of his
father’s “undivided property”. It
was stipulated in the will that for Daniel’s and Samuel’s receiving all the
real estate they were to provide all the necessities of life for their mother,
Mary. Daniel and Samuel were named in the will as executors.
was married to Barbara Hager in 1784; Daniel married Osly Baker, both of Lincoln
County, January 15, 1787, with his brother Samuel as bondsman.
moved out of Lincoln County to Burke prior to 1790, for the military census of
1790 gives him as living in Burke County, with a family of four persons
-himself, wife, and two sons. As
Burke County went as far west as Washington County (Washington County became
part of Tennessee), Daniel may have moved prior to 1790 from Lincoln County to
that part of Burke that became Buncombe County in 1791, and he may have settled
as early as 1790 on the waters of Beaver Dam Creek, near the present City of
Asheville. Daniel entered 200-acres
of land on the waters of Beaver Dam Creek in 1792, which grant was issued to him
December 2, 1797. Miss Josie
Killian, who was 92 years old March 23, 1939, and the only living grandchild of
Daniel Killian, states that Daniel was one of the very first white settlers in
the Beaver Dam Creek section, that the Indians still inhabited this section at
that time; and as forests abounded everywhere these early pioneers would lose
their way easily, even though they were then near home.
Miss Josie also states that her grandfather was twice married.
No records can be found telling when Daniel’s first wife died or how
many children were born of this union. Nor
is it known whom be married the second time, but it appears that his
second wife’s maiden name was Margaret Watts, who was born May 12, 1758.
From the dates of land grants it appears that the two sons of Daniel,
born before the census of 1790 was taken, were John and Daniel, Jr.
Joseph was born October 22, 1791. Nancy,
who never married, was born February 5, 1796.
William W. was born January 5, 1800, and George was born May 16, 1802.
Daniel’s other daughters were Lydia, born October 29, 1805.
Lydia married George W. Bell; and Mary who married John Smart.
From the dates of the children’s births, we are of the opinion that
Daniel Sr. married the second time about l794-95.
We found traditional evidence that George was a half—brother of some of
the other sons.
Killian, Sr., entered other tracts of land besides the 200—acres first entered
on Beaver Dam Creek. He gave
2-acres to the Episcopa1 Methodist Church, but the title did not appear to be
legal, so on February 1, 1837 all the eight children of Daniel conveyed the
2-acres to the said church. Records
show that Daniel, Sr., died February 22, 1830 or 1836 (the date is obscure) and
was the first person buried at the Asbury Memorial M.E. Church.
the year 1800 Bishop Francis Asbury began to travel through western North
Carolina, as well as eastern Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and South Carolina,
establishing the Methodist Episcopal Church.
In his journal from the year 1800 to 1810, he makes reference to having
used Daniel Killian’s home a number of times for preaching services and for
conference with itinerate brother ministers, and as a resting place for himself
and his jaded horse. Killian built a room to his house for the exclusive use of
Bishop Asbury and other itinerate ministers, and only preachers were allowed to
use this room. He had an armchair
made especially for the Bishop and this traditional chair is now in the Asbury
Memoria1 Church near Beaver Dam Lake. Then the M.E. Conference met in Asheville
in May 1910, a gavel made of a portion of the banister of the old Killian home
was presented to the presiding bishop.
February 2, 1837, the eight children of Daniel Killian Sr. conveyed to Isaac and
William Baird 154-acres of the original first grant of land.
Captain Isaac C. Baird built a new dwelling in the yard of the old,
two-story log building built by this Pioneer Daniel Killian, the one to which
the Asbury room was built. Later
this log house was moved below the new dwelling built by Captain Baird, and
during the last 25 years the old log house was torn down.
January 10, 1791, a year before Daniel Killian, Sr. entered land in Buncombe
County, and Andrew Ki1lian entered 200-acres on the waters of Pigeon River in
Buncombe County, and the supposedly same Andrew Killian entered other tract of
land in l794 and 1797. This Andrew is supposed to have been Pioneer Andrew
Killian’s youngest son by his first wife, Andrew, Jr., a half-brother of
Daniel Killian, Sr. Andrew Killian, Jr. as living at the time his father’s
will was probated in 1788, but seems to have moved away soon thereafter, and he
must have been the Andrew Killian, Jr. that entered land in Buncombe in 1791, as
Andrew Killian 3rd would have been only 20 years old at this time, and would not
likely have gone as far as Buncombe County to enter land.
appears then that Andrew Killian, Jr., entered land in Buncombe County.
After his death about 1800, his two sons, Andrew 3rd and Daniel, in the
year 1803, divided the real estate, Andrew getting land in Lincoln County and
Daniel in Buncombe County. The land
that his father Andrew Killian, Jr., is supposed to have entered in
l791—94-97, some of which was on what is now called Jonathan’s Creek. (See
History of Andrew Killian, Jr.)
Daniel Killian (grandson of Pioneer Andrew Ki1lian) married Mary Watts.
They are both buried on Jonathan’s Creek, in Haywood County. This Danie1 was not a son or in any way a descendant of the
Daniel Killian, Sr., who settled on Beaver Dam Creek, but was a half-nephew. The
Danie1 Ki1lian buried on Jonathan’s Creek was l4 years old when Daniel
Killian, Sr., of the Beaver Dam Creek section married Osly Baker of Lincoln
is probable that the Mary Watts who married Daniel Killian of Jonathan’s Creek
was a close relative of Margaret Watts, who is supposed to have been the second
wife of Daniel Killian, Sr., of the Beaver Dam Creek Section.
am of the opinion that John was the oldest child of Daniel Killian, Sr. and Osly
Baker. We have no trace of him
except a few legal transactions. As a John Ki11ian entered land (75A.) on the south side of
Beaver Dam Creek April 7, 1808, and on the same date 75 A. on the north side of
the same creek, it is very probable that he was the oldest chi1d of Daniel Sr.
and about 20 years old at this time. I
find no reference to him later than 1837. Daniel
Jr.’s name appears on legal papers a few times but the last is in 1837.
born in 1791 entered 100 A. of land on both sides of Beaver Dam Creek March 9,
1818, and on Bulls Fork of Beaver Dam Creek 50 A. on Oct. 7, 1826, and in 1822
bought 100 A. of land on Beaver Dan from his brother John.
In 1834-35-336 Joseph sold his real estate on Beaver Dam.
the 3rd child of Danie1 Killian Sr., married Miss Anna Petchey on Thursday 19 -
1821. Mrs. Petchey was born Friday
19 - 1790. Joseph died in
1864—65. Joseph and Anne
Killian’s children were as fo1lows:
William T.
June 2, l822
Elizabeth C. born Oct.
27, 1828
Nancy W.
July 19, 1823
Margaret A.
Oct. 28, l829-M’d J.M. Shook
John W.
born Oct.
23, 1825
of Wi1ey Shook
Adolphus N.
July 27, 1827
Mary L.
Jan. 25, 1833
W. Killian died in 1886. He was married Nov. 28, 1862 to Margaret C. Grahl, from
Sweden. Her father came direct from
Sweden - was an officer in the Swedish army under Lord Wellington.
He rode a cavalry horse to the shipping yard or dock, left the horse, ran
and boarded a ship, and came to America as a stowaway.
Landed at St. Augustine, Fla., walked from there to Green County,
Tennessee, and drifted to Haywood County, N.C. where he taught school.
He spoke seven languages fluently. He
became Clerk of Superior Court of Haywood County.
The records of this office will testify to his beautiful handwriting.
N. married Rebecca Hollyfield, November 186o.
Their children were: James
R., who was born September 9, 1861, and Nancy.
They live at C1yde, N.C. – both unmarried.
the 4th chi1d of Daniel Killian, Sr., was born February 5, 1796.
She professed faith in Jesus Christ in 1811 at the age of 15.
She died in June 1839, and is buried in the Asbury Memoria1 Methodist
Church cemetery. She never married.
W., the 5th child of Daniel Killian, Sr., was born January 5, 1800, and became a
very prominent citizen of his country. He
died April 21, 1860, being buried in the cemetery of the Asbury Memorial Church.
On June 6, 1839 he married Miss Emily McKay of McDowell County.
She was born September 17, 1814 and died October 13, 1908 at the age of
96. She was a very intellectual woman, possessing rare gifts, a composer of
beautifu1 poems and prayers. To
William and Emily Killian were born the following children:
A. - Born April 18, 1840; he married and had seven children; moved from
County, N. C. in l882 to Gonzales County, Texas where he died March 24, 1894.
- Born March 12, 1842; died Aug. 3, 1930.
M. - Born October 3, 1843; died June 28, 1927.
Josephine (Miss Josie) was born March 23, 1847.
At this date, Jan. 1, 1939, she is still living, being 91 years old,
possessing unusually good health - mentally and physically.
She is an intellectual woman, much devoted to her church and its welfare.
A lifelong member of Asbury Memorial Methodist Church.
the 6th of Daniel Killian, Sr., was born May 6, 1802, and died May 1, 1880. On
March 29, 1831, Daniel Ki1lian, Sr., conveyed to his son George 196-acres of
land on Beaver Dam Creek. George
was married about the year l830 to a Miss Polly Johnson, who was born in 1812
and died in 1885. He moved from the
Beaver Dam section in the early 1860’s to Oconee County, South Carolina, about
ten miles North of the Town of Walha11a. George
had three boys: Julius, Daniel W. (Dr. Dan), and Elbert.
George also had four daughters: Adelaide, the oldest girl, never married;
Clarice, who married William Hodses, who was killed in the War between the
States; Marian, who married Branch Trull of Haywood County, and raised a large
family mostly boys; and Julia, the youngest girl, who married John Dryman at the
age of 36. They had four boys: Rob,
Roy, Fred and Earl. Fred is a
Methodist Minister of the Asheville Section.
George’s oldest son, Julius, married and moved to Clay County, where he
lived all his life. His oldest son
was named Lee H. and his youngest, Dock.
son Daniel W. (Dr. Dan) left the Beaver Dam Creek section when a young man and
went to Columbia, S. C., where he studied medicine.
After finishing his medical course, he bought a horse and started to
eastern Kentucky to practice his profession.
As he passed through Clay County, N. C. he found an epidemic of sickness
there and stopped to administer to the sick.
Here he remained until after his second marriage.
Then he moved to Texas. His
first wife was a Miss McClure, and his second wife a Miss Rowland.
Daniel had three boys and five gir1s. His
son, Dr. Paul B. lives at Haysville, Clay County, N. C.
He and the writer were members of the General Assembly in 1917.
Dr. Paul Killian’s son, Carl Daniel, is a professor at Cullowhee
Institute, and the other son Frank M. born in 1906, graduated in 1929 from
Louisville, KY. Medical Co1lege and is located at Franklin, N. C. where he
practices the medical profession.
youngest son, E1bert, moved to S. C. with his father and always lived near him
until he (Elbert) moved to Macon County, North Carolina in 1880, where he lived
until he died July 24, 1920. His
wife died April 14, 1920.
had 11 children – 3 boys and 8 girls. The
boys are:
– a Presbyterian Minister in Portland, Oregon;
- who also lives in Oregon;
– who lives at Grandview, Washington.
girls are:
- who married N. B. Long of Macon County, and moved to Idaho in 1889.
They have 4 boys and 3 girls.
- who married A. B. Clement, and lives near Cornelia, Georgia.
They raised 5 children. Clark
is a lawyer and lives in California. Ross
and Dennis live near Cornelia, Ga. Charles
was killed in the World War and Mamie who married R.W. Hickey moved to New
Mexico where she died in 1931. Mrs.
Clement (Miriam) died Jan. 2, 1939.
married S. P. Harwood and lives at Robbinsville, Graham County, N. C.
They have 5 girls and 1 boy. Delia
married a Rieves; they have 3 boys and 1 girl. Jennie married Frank Distles and
lives at Maliton, Washington. Ida
married Will Beatty. They live in
California and have 2 boys and 2 girls. Ethel
died in 1892. Nettie died in 1927.
Killian had a dark complexion with very dark eyes, and was of jovial
disposition. He died suddenly May
1, 1880, and his widow died in 1885.
C. Killian, 10th child of Pioneer Andrew Killian, was born about 1760-65.
He was the second child of the pioneer’s second wife, who probably was
a Miss Cline, sister or relative of Pioneer Sebastian Cline, or perhaps a
daughter of Mathias and Susanna Beaver, the parents of Mrs. Sebastian Cline.
1784, Samuel married Barbara Hager, the youngest child of Pioneer Hilliam Hager.
Samuel died in the year 1813, and is supposed to have been buried at St.
Paul’s Church. His land was
divided among his ten children Dec. 23-30, 1813 as follows:
Lot #1 of 31A to William Herman and his wife Elizabeth
Lot #2 of 25A to John Gross and his wife Sallie
Lot #3 of 29A to David Kil1ian and
his heirs
Lot #4 of 26¾A to William Killian and his heirs
Lot #5 of
28A to Frederick Killian and his heirs
Lot #6 of 27A to Barbara Killian
Lot #7 of 26A to Polly Killian
Lot #8 of 53A to Samuel Killian
Lot #9 of 60A to Joseph Killian
Lot #10 of 65A to Andrew Killian
and Barbara Hager Kil11an’s children and their descendants are as follows:
E1izabeth, the oldest child, married Wi11iam Herman Dec. 21, 1813;
Bondsman, John Gross, Mic Cline. Wi11iam
Herman was a son of George Herman who married a Miss Eslinger.
They had 10 children: George, Paul, Caleb, Ado1phus, William, Clarissa,
Elizabeth, Barbara, Leah and Michael. (Fidas Herman, Ex-C1erk of Superior Court
and Register of Deeds at Catawba County was a son of Caleb Herman.)
Sallie, the second child, married John Gross.
He is supposed to have been a son of Pioneer Henry Gross, Sr., who lived
near Pioneer Henry Weidner and built what was later known as Wi1fongs or
Coulter’s Mill on Gross’s Creek. We
know that John was a brother of Adam Gross, the father of Mrs. Harriett Yoder of
Newton, N. C. John Gross married
Sallie Killian, to which union was born the fol1owing children, who married and
1ived in N. C.: Mary, Margaret, and
married in 1831 Moses Seitz. The
late Abel Seitz of Hickory was one of their children.
He was the father of George Seits and Mrs. Ellen Smyre (wife of M. M.
Smyre of near Newton, N. C.)
daughter of John and Sallie Gross, married Phillip Hoover in 1833 (Phillip
Hoover was a brother of the writer’s grandmother, Mrs. Anna Hoover Baker).
Adam Hoover of Lincoln County who married Miss Emma Fox and Daniel
Hoover, a merchant of Concord, N. C., were Phillip and Margaret Hoover’s two
John and Sallie Gross’s daughter, married Phillip Whitener in 1835.
Phillip Whitener was a prominent Justice of the Peace in his day.
Sidney Whitener, who lived in the “Forks of the Rivers” was a son of
appears that after these three children married, John and Sallie Gross sold
their property and with the other children moved to Grundy County, Tennessee.
and Sallie Gross’ other children were: John,
Jr. who went from Grundy County, Tennessee to Trenton, Ga.) Lawson, Asa,
Wil1iam, who married Winnie Brooks, and now have a daughter living near
McMinnvil1e, Tennessee who is (1939) 92 years old; Jonas, killed in the War
between the States; and Anna, who married Zeb Walker.
and Sallie Gross are buried in Grundy County, Tennessee.
3. David, 3rd child of
Samue1 C. Ki1lian married on Jan. 10, 1809, the first time,
Cline, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Wilfong Cline.
They had the following children: Ephraim,
born in 1810; Abel, Logan and Susan.
in 1835 married Mary Killian, a daughter of William and Nancy Cresamore Killian.
Their children were: Nancy, who married Elija Smith; Wm. L., who married
Eva Baker (they were the parents of Craig J. Yates and Anna); Amsi, who married
Barbara Coon. Their children are
Henry, George, Mary (married Robert Rhodes), John, and David; Susan, who married
Alonzo Lutz; Robert B. Kil1ian, a doctor of medicine, who married E11a Rhodes.
Their children are Mary and Ransom.
the 2nd child of David married Lavinia Fry.
Their children were:
the 3rd child of David Ki1lian, moved to Dade County, Georgia, with
his father about 1830.
the 4th child of David Killian, married Lawson Bost, grandson of
pioneer William Bost.
1818, David Ki11ian’s wife Catherine died (Catherine Cline) and in 1820 he
married Christine Deitz, a daughter of Jacob and Sarah Killian Deitz.
(Sarah was a daughter of John Killian).
Wi11iam Killian, the 4th child of Samue1 and Barbara Killian, appears
to have married an Elizabeth Bost in 1816 who must have soon died. Wi11iam
married Nancy Cresamore, granddaughter of pioneer Jacob Cresamore of the Salem
Church section of Lincoln County. Their children were: Susan, who married
Ephraim Killian; Laban, S.; who was the pioneer nurseryman of this section, and
Lawson, who died when a young man.
Frederick, the 5th child of Samuel and Barbara Killian, was
born in 1793. He married in 1822,
Anne, daughter of. Adam Gross. She
did not live long thereafter and Frederick married Catherine Lutz. Their
chi1dren were: Noah, killed in
Civil War; Samue1 E. married first time Frances Fry, the second time Miss Alice
Hunsucker Yount; Lydia, who married Conrad Pitts; Pennie, who married Jonas
Hawn; Nancy, who married Jesse Holder; and Mary Magdalene, who married Luther
Whisenant - (their children were Daniel and Susan).
Susan married Lee Stine and their children are Gladys and Mrs. Mary S.
Riggles. Frederick Killian was
buried at St. Paul’s Church.
Barbara, the 6th child of Samuel Ki11ian, married David Bost
in 1814.
Polly, the 7th child of Samuel Killian married Daniel Herman
(a brother of Wi1liam, who married Polly’s sister Elizabeth) in 1820.
Their children were: Franklin,
who married Hahala Isenhour in 1844; Elizabeth, who married Amsey Stine; Peter,
a Methodist minister, who married Fannie Jay of South Carolina; George, who
married Jane Hoover; Linnie, who married Eusebus Hedrick; Barbara, who married a
Sigman; and Germima (Jemima) who first married a Bollinger, and the second time
an Abernethy.
Samuel Jr., the 8th child of Samuel Killian, went to Grundy
County, Tennessee when a young man and married a Miss Barnes whose ancestors
emigrated from eastern North Carolina. They
had a number of chi1dren and have many descendants in Grundy and Warren Counties
in Tennessee.
Joseph, the 9th child of Samuel Killian, Sr. was born in 1800
and in 1824 married Regina Bolick. Their
children were Anthony, who married Mary Yount (their children were Camil1a who
married Tim Cline; Juliann Elizabeth, who married Josiah Hefner (Raymond L.
Hefner is one of their chi1dren); William E. who married Julia Huffman; Rose
Ann, daughter of Joseph Killian married John Winebarger. Elija, son of Joseph Killian married Malinda Bolick.
Alfred, son of Joseph Ki1lian married Rebecca Drum.
Mahala never married. Casper,
son of Joseph, married first Malinda Herman, and the second time Candice
Andrew, the 10th child of Samuel Killian was born in 1804 and
married in 1837 Sophie Reece. Their children were Wm. L., Anna B., John, and
Catrina, the 11th child of Pioneer Andreas Killian, is
supposed to have been born in 1762-62. She
married John Barringer. They lived
in Cabarrus County and are buried at St. John’s Church in that County.
They were the ancestors of Gen. Barringer.
12. Elizabeth was the 12th and youngest child of
Pioneer Andreas Killian. She is
supposed to have been born about 1764-65. She
married Michael Houk. This
be the same as Mariah E1izabeth Killian who was received into the Lutheran
Church, Catawba by Rev. J.G. Arndt, June 9, 1776 (Salem L.R. Church in Lincoln
County). Michael Houk was received
into South Fork (St. Paul’s) Church by J. Godfrey Arndt, August 1776.
United Census of 1850 shows that Michael Houk, age 95, and his wife, Elizabeth
age 90, were residing in Benton, now Calhoun County, Alabama.
Michael was pensioned for Revolutionary services rendered while residing
in Lincoln County, North Carolina. Nothing
more is known of Elizabeth.
request from the Compiler of this Historical Manuscript:
present to the Killian Clan these compiled historical records of Pioneer Andreas
Killian and his descendants – not a complete history of the Killian Family,
but rather a skeleton or framework on which to build a complete history of
Andreas Killian’s descendants. The
facts herein set forth, beginning more than two centuries ago, have been worked
out slowly and tediously the work has been done from various sources such as
legal documents, land grants, deeds, wi11s, marriage bonds, tombstone
inscriptions, dates and names in old Bibles, etc., and these facts can be
depended upon as reasonably accurate to have been gathered at so late a date.
purpose of this manuscript is for the descendants of the pioneer Killian to
build from the generations given, the descendants from these pioneer families,
an accurate history of their following descendants down to the present
generation, even including the babies now in the cradles.
is too great a task for the historian to write a complete up-to-date
history of our family without the aid of other descendants, but if a
representative of each family receiving this manuscript will begin on their
respective family line where this history stops and continue the work of
such line to the present day and send this data to the Killian Family
Organization, in a very short time we could compile a complete history of our
family from the pioneer down to the present generation.
take your branch of the KILLIAN TREE and write all that you know and can
learn (accurately) about it and forward to me so we can soon begin to write the
final (and I hope complete) history of our Killian Family.
work up “your line” at once and forward promptly.
Can I depend on you?
are suitable blanks for your convenience in 1isting the necessary information.
wish to acknowledge here with thanks the help that many have given me in this
undertaking, and especially do I mention Mr. T.D. Killian of Atlanta, Georgia,
the pioneer of this work; Mrs. H.C. Groom of Brownville, Texas, for the history
of Leonard Killian’s family; Mrs. D.M. Carpenter of Maiden, N. C. for the
history of Marillis Killian, who married Jacob Yount; and Mr. John A. Lawing of
Charlotte, N.C. for the history of Jean Killian, who married William Lawing.
very truly,
of the Kil1ian Organization,
N, C.
Sunday, October l9, 1952, a monument was erected and unveiled at Old Saint
Paul’s Lutheran Church about two miles West of Newton, North Carolina, in
memory of Andreas Killian, the original pioneer, and his descendents, Andreas
Killian having been born in 1702 and died in the year 1788, the monument being
erected near his grave in the old cemetery at Saint Paul’s Church.
There were approximately 1000 descendants and friends in attendance at
this unveiling, which was presided over by Jesse C. Sigmon, Sr., President of
the Killian Klan, the invocation given by Rev. John A. Koons, now deceased, the
dedication by J. Yates Killian, now deceased, the unveiling by Robert Mayo
Hefner and Roslyn Reid (eighth generation), the principal address made by Hon.
C.H. Killian, of Brooklyn, New York, who was introduced by Hon. Charles Raper
Jonas of Linco1nton, North Carolina.
sum of approximately $l500.00 covering the cost of the erection of this
beautiful monument was donated by the descendants and friends of this great
pioneer, the Memorial and Finance
Committee in charge was as follows:
L. Hefner, Chairman, Hickory, N. C.
Mayo Hefner, Hickory, N. C.
Yates Killian, Newton, N. C.
E. Rhodes, Lincolnton, N. C.
Herman Rhodes, Lincolnton, N. C.
C. Killian, Gastonia, N. C.
Winget Killian, Gastonia, N. C.
F. Carpenter, Sr., Maiden, N. C.
Fisher Carpenter, Maiden, N. C.
Rhodes Carpenter, Dallas, N. C.
C. Sigmon, Sr., Newton, N.C.
Killian Sigmon, Newton, N. C.
Gladys Stine, Hilderbran, N. C.
1771 Paul Anthony and wife, Froney, deeded an eleven acre tract of land lying
about one mi1e northwest of the present city of Newton, N. C., to the Lutheran
and Reformed de- nominations to be used for Church and school purposes.
On these 1ands Old Saint Paul’s Church was erected.
exact date of its founding is not known, but a Swiss Reformed minister, Martin,
preached here in 1759. In 1764
Dupert, also of the Reformed Church was recognized as pastor.
The first regu1ar Lutheran pastor was the Rev. Johann Gottfried Arndt.
The origina1 “Dutch Meeting House” was built of 1ogs. It became dilapidated about 1818 and was torn down.
The sound 1ogs went into the present building a short distance west of
the old site. It is said that the nails used in its construction were made
by blacksmith, Paul Suttlemyre. It
is probably the oldest church now in use in western North Carolina, having high
type pulpit, and a gallery that accommodated slaves. A modern new Lutheran church has been erected near this old
date of May 29, 1819, fifty-three members of “Saint Paul’s Meeting House”
each signed a pledge to pay to the Reverend John S. Ibeck of Hagerstown, MD., a
stipulated amount in case he would come and “preach or teach” on one Sunday
of each month for a year, “in the German or English 1anguage as will be most
suitable to the congregation.”
It is presumed that he did not accept the call since the list was crossed
out. Family surnames affixed were:
Bolick, Boovey, Bullinger, Cline, Coulter, Deal, Dietz, Fry, Gross, Hahn,
Herman, Huffman, Huit, Ikert, Killian, Lutz, McHaffee, McRee, Miller, Propst,
Punch, Ramseur, Robinson, Setzer, Shel1, Smyer, Star, Whitener, and Wilfong. -
Yates Killian, the historian of Newton, North Carolina, a well known nurseryman
and farmer, who represented Catawba County in the General Assemb1y of North
Carolina several years, and who was the most prominent leader in organizing the
Killian Klan, and high1y respected citizen, died on September 24, 1953.
Raymond L. Hefner, a descendant of the original pioneer, a citizen of
Hickory, North Carolina, a prominent and active member of the Killian Klan, a
former President and active leader in all of its activities, died on December 1,
The Kil1ian Klan was organized on August 22, 1935, at old Salem Lutheran
and German Reformed Church, located about six miles north of Lincolnton, North
Carolina, near the Lincoln-Catawba County line, and on the road leading to
Startown and Hickory. At this first
meeting officers were elected as shown on page 1.
The Klan meets annually at said Old Salem Church on the second Sunday in
September, and all descendents are invited.
history is not complete, and we request that any additional information on the
descendents of the pioneer Andreas Ki1lian be forwarded to the Secretary or to
any of the undersigned. This the 1st
day of May 1955. Odus C. Carpenter,
RFD #2, Lincolnton, N.C. Mrs. P.W.
Whitener, Secretary - Treasurer, Linco1nton, N.C. Jesse C. Sigmon, P.0. Box 70, Newton, N.C.
Guy C. Killian, P.O. Box 1022, Gastonia, N.C.
Andreas Killian’s Will
Jan. session 1788
Pioneer Andreas Killian’s family there were twelve children six boys and six
girls. His will was made September 2, 1785.
the name of God I, Andrew Killian of the County of Lincoln in the State of North
Carolina, being sick of body but of sound and disposing memory do make and
ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth (to wit)
all my lawful debts are paid, which I allow to be paid out of the debts now due
to me; I give to Mary my beloved wife the sole and proper use of the house in
which I now live with the benefit of a garden one half acre of the tendable
land, firewood, etc. Enduring her natural life together with the gray mare and
colt and her choice of any of my milk cows with her calf and wintering for the
same on my plantation yearly as long as she lives, and also twelve bushels of
wheat, seventy bushels of Indian corn, and two hundred weight of hog meat to be
paid her annually by my sons Daniel Killian and Samuel Killian jointly as long
as she lives, or otherwise enduring her widowhood, likewise her bed and
furniture, spinning wheel, and such part of my pewter and dresser furniture as
she may desire, and such other part of my household furniture as she may
reasonably need for housekeeping, these things to be for her only proper use and
behoove forever.
give to my son-in-law Michael Price, the husband of my daughter Margaret,
one-shilling sterling.
give to my son Leonard Killian one-shilling sterling.
give to my son John Killian one-shilling sterling.
give to my son-in-law William Lewin, husband of my daughter Jean, one-shilling
give to my daughter Crate Hager one-shilling sterling.
give to my son Andrew Killian one-shilling sterling.
give to my son George Killian one-shilling sterling.
give to my son-in-law James Pritchet, husband of my daughter Brina, one-shilling
give to my son Daniel Killian one half of all my land in fair division, quantity
and quality considered - together with one seventh part of all the profits
arising from the sale or division of my unbequeathed moveable estate and
outstanding debts, whom I also appoint one of my executors of this my last will
and testament.
give to my son Samuel Killian the one half of all my lands in fair division with
his brother Daniel Killian together with one seventh part of my unbequeathed
personal estate - whom I likewise appoint one of my executors of this my last
will and testament.
give to my son—in-law John Barringer, husband of my daughter Christina
(Catrina) one-seventh part of my unbequeathed personal estate.
give to my son-in-law Michael Houk, husband of my daughter Elisabeth one-seventh
part of my unbequeathed estate and outstanding debts.
give to my grandson Andrew Killian, son of my son Andrew Killian, one-fourteenth
part of my unbequeathed personal estate.
give to my grandson Daniel Killian, son of my son Andrew Killian, one-fourteenth
part of my unbequeathed personal estate.
likewise give to my son George Killian one-seventh of my unbequeathed personal
likewise give to my son-in-law James Pritchet one-seventh part of my personal
estate not heretofore bequeathed, etc.
and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament, in testimony
of which I have unto set my hand and seal in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred eighty five on the twenty second day of September, in the ninth
year of the American Independence.
Jacob Killian Andrew
Killian seal
Monument referred to on the second prior page is inscribed as follows:
1702 – 1788
His wife Mary and Twelve Children As Named in His Will
– Leonard – John – Jean – Crate – Andrew – George – Brina –
Daniel – Samuel C. – Christianna – Elizabeth – Our pioneer ancestor came
from Germany on the ship Adventure, landing at Philadelphia where he took the
Oath of Allegiance September 2, 1732. He came to North Carolina about l747 and later established a
home about 0 miles northwest of
by Descendants with the cooperation of The Catawba County Historical
Association, Inc. – 1952